What You'll Hear: Mark Driscoll was born in North Dakota and grew up in Seattle, WA. His Mom was a born again Catholic and loved Jesus but Mark did not.   Mark's girlfriend gave him a Bible and he started reading it when he went to college. In his Freshman year, he was on a men's retreat on a walk by himself and God spoke to him audibly and told him to marry Grace, preach the Bible, train men, and plant churches. He's been married 26 years and they have 5 kids He pastors at Trinity Church in Scottsdale, AZ Don't chase signs and wonders, chase Jesus The Bible is the most widely translated, most widely published and least read book there is "I'm in the Bible every day because I like it" "I can hear from God through His Word any time I want" "You cannot consider one minute in God's Word as a wasted minute" "Jesus' life is admired by Christians and non-Christians, the question is can His life be experienced by God's people?" "Sometimes the Trinity is portrayed as the Father is the mean one, Jesus is the nice one and the Holy Spirit is the weird one... actually they live together in relationship and it's the Holy Spirit who empowers the life of Jesus" God wants us to appreciate the life of Jesus and to experience it There are several misconceptions about Jesus including that Jesus is an alien which keep us from modeling our lives after Jesus "Most people see Jesus as perfect but don't understand how He overcame temptation" Clark Kent pretended to be like us, but Jesus truly was like us "When you understand Jesus relates to you, it becomes a lot easier for you to relate to Jesus" Most of the creeds skip over Jesus' entire life. Jesus had to learn and grow because He set aside the continuous use of His divine attributes There's a difference between sin and trial and error Jesus experienced 12 different lanes of relationships as we do It's very important for us to forgive as Jesus did, it pushes the demonic out of your life Men have a performance mentality at their work God said He was pleased with Jesus before He did anything Our relationship with God starts with His approval and then we work from that not for that  Work is worship.  Jesus spent the first 30 years of His life swinging a hammer with His Dad.  This was sacred work because He was doing the will of God Doing your job well is part of your ministry If we are faithful with the work that we do, God super-naturally open opportunities for us to share our faith Sometimes people are looking for our character before they want us to hear our testimony 2 Cor 5:21 is one of Mark's favorite verses See God as a relational father who loves and enjoys His children Contact www.markdriscoll.org for free Bible teaching