What You'll Hear: Jeremy joined Facebook about 12 years ago and found he was spending a lot of time on it and often got into an argument about politics or college football He ended up canceling his accounts on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram John McArthur said social media exists for one reason: self promotion You can stumble onto wicked content easily on social media especially Twitter Jeremy connects with clients and people he used to work with through LinkedIn, he find LinkedIn pretty useful There's an undertone on LinkedIn to keep content business related and not personal His faith related comments are less on Christian doctrine and more on Biblical worldview You can have a company page on LinkedIn, you could use that for a ministry you're involved in "Abraham Kuyper said that there's not one single square inch of creation that Jesus Christ doesn't look upon and say 'mine'" Jeremy became CFO for a home builder and started doing real estate deals in the summer of 2008. The builder could see the collapse coming and took some steps to prepare and went into a hunker down mode "When the tide's coming in and all the boats are floating, it masks all sorts of management and accounting problems" Real estate is difficult to predict and carries its own type of risk "Diversification is always your friend" "When you're young, concentration creates wealth, when you get older, diversification preserves that wealth" Peru Mission started when a young man in Peru named Alonzo Ramirez had a sudden conversion through some Scottish missionaries Alonzo wanted to go to Edinborough Seminary but didn't have the money, but a woman had willed the money for someone from Peru to go to seminary Alonzo started Second Presbyterian Church in Peru which is now self-sustaining and even started other churches Go to www.PeruMission.org Check out the book "The Way of the Dragon and the Way of the Lamb" and "Weakness is the Way"