What You'll Hear: Bill surrendered his life after hitting a low point in Florida and living with ex-cons and being kicked out by his parents for drug and alcohol issues He moved back to Massachucetts and witnessed to his old party buddies, 9-10 took to heart what he shared and attended a Bible class, he also made some impact witnessing to his siblings Bill has had 23 jobs and worked with the highs and lows and can now relate to many different types of people and have empathy with those who have difficulties He studied engineering at NC State God gave Bill a vision and he sold everything to study the word in Kansas He moved to California then back to NC and met his wife Ana They bought some land and raised their 4 boys He wrote a book "Revelation Unraveled" He hears God by being still and praying in the Holy Spirit It takes a lot of effort to write a book, stay away from publishers that make promises and fail to deliver, focus on self publishing Bill met Rayburn Hall and his wife who were doing prison ministry at age 96 and that got Bill interested and took over that ministry and then Chuck Powers got other churches involved For a great marriage, be great friends first and work hard together, figure out who does what best doing things at home, discuss and be on the same page with spending money, husbands should listen more than talk Raising kids, teach your kids how to work and don't give them everything, encourage them, set a good example of what it is to live the Christian faith, apologize when you're wrong so they can see you're human At work, be honest and humble when dealing with leadership, show a good work ethic without complaint, he doesn't wear his Christianity on his sleeve at work Don't buy into what the world says is success If you're not happy with your work or any part of your life, you have options to do something different, don't spend time doing things that have no benefit Success is at work is having people enjoy being around you, you've earned your pay 2 Cor 9:8 "And God is able to make all grace abound toward you..." During his commute he listens to Personal Pension Radio, Mike Rowe's "That's the Way I Heard It" for entertainment, Twin Cities Church out of Winston-Salem, Daystar Church out of Winston-Salem Contact Bill at [email protected]