What You'll Hear: 1. Know Your Motivation - saw Rusty Thomas preach on the doctrine of blood guiltiness at Herald Society which was included in the video Babies are Murdered Here https://youtu.be/dxDyfSHEq5g, it revealed that many there didn't have the right motivations, are you there just to be seen or make Youtube videos? 2. Study and Be Ready - watch YouTube videos, know 3 verses from different locations (Old and New Testament) on each point, know the Gospel, start with sin and judgment.  You can take things going on around you and use that, e.g. and the statue of the unknown god or ambulance driving by.  If you record your own talks you can use this to study from. Watch body language.  You can simply read scripture. 3. Good locations vs bad locations - you need crowds of people, like an event or large gathering in your town.  A baseball stadium outside. Best to have a partner to intervene or hand out tracts or bibles. Bad is where it's too noisy or where there's a lot of drinking and intoxication or protesting.  Know how the sound is. 4. If possible use amplification - you want to be heard not be yelling, you want a tone of compassion.  Use a 24Watt Aker amp. You can train your voice to be louder. 5. Learn and know the law - your rights of free speech, sound ordinances. If Police are called out you need to know where the easements are.  Police are trying to diffuse the situation.  Stand your ground, but be respectful and don't be confrontational. 6. Use a step to elevate yourself 7. Record yourself - get a Gopro camera (or Copcam).  People will be more reserved.  You can watch it later and learn from it. 8. If possible don't go alone - having a partner is motivating and safer.  You can rotate between preaching and handing out tracts. 9. Think about what to give away - homeless people will come up to you, so you may want to have snacks, or gift cards to give away.  Have tracts and Bibles.  10. Think about the weather 11. Watch out for friendly fire - often it's a false convert who challenges you and claims to be a believer.  They may be a drive-by.  Ask them how long they've been there. 12. Hecklers - they can draw a crowd.  People like commotion. This allows you to exercise patience and to reach more people. 13. Apologetics - do your studying.  Learn how to debate others and use logic and reasoning.  See the book Tactics by Greg Koukl.  See list of top ten Logical Fallacies 14. Don't Interrupt your partner - it appears you're ganging up on someone See Ray Comfort's Way of the Master course and his books and videos You can order Bibles with blank pages with your notes, have tabs ready A growing area of preaching it outside of abortion clinics.  Don't start out there. See Jeff Durbin with Apologia https://apologiachurch.com/meet-the-team/ Evangelism is a different bond because you're in the battle together It brings together different denominations