What You'll Hear:   Matt grew up in a Christian family and went to a very conservative church At age 20 "I cried out 'I'm so lonely", that was the first honest conversation I had with God...I thought 'I love Jesus, I love God and I want more of this" First job was pulling weeds as a gardener and the landscaper in the summer in Oregon With YWAM, Matt did missions on a small island and in Hong Kong and Singapore In 2005 he started a business consulting firm in Singapore that includes training and communication "I translate the Kingdom of God into business material, into engaging people and working with them" " I had no idea you could have such rich and meaningful conversations in the marketplace" "My role is to figure out who they are, how they're unstuck and how to get them unstuck" "One of the weaknesses with evangelicalism is that we don't really love people, we don't want to meet them where they are, we just want to get them saved" "The first question people struggle with and that God asks us is 'where are you?', that's one of the most profound questions we can ask" "Day to day, being authentic, getting to know someone is the missing piece sometimes" "be present without being anxious or reactive, that's the discipline of maturity...that's the mastery of Jesus" "you don't want to get into a difficult situation and not have trained...you practice your reactions with your wife and kids" "Very few people have theology questions, what's driving those questions is a broken heart" "The only Being in the universe who doesn't have to ask questions comes into our broken and rebellious world and the first thing He does is ask 3 questions. 'where are you?', 'who told you?', and 'have you eaten?'" "Asking questions ought to be one of our highest priorities" and "not questions that are statements in disguise"  "When I stepped out of missions, I realized that secretly I had carried a little bit of arrogance in my heart that I was doing spiritual work by doing missions and that now that I was outside of it I wasn't doing spiritual work" "The reason the church is in the shape it's in is because we haven't taken the full counsel of God" "This whole idea that we're to leave God out is absurd...all they're really saying is 'just leave us alone'" "God is interested in all areas of life and has something to say about all areas of life" "Anytime you're fighting for control, you're not fighting for the Kingdom of God" Contact www.brokentopleadership.com for daily devotional or go to www.MatthewRawlins.org

What You'll Hear:   Matt grew up in a Christian family and went to a very conservative church At age 20 "I cried out 'I'm so lonely", that was the first honest conversation I had with God...I thought 'I love Jesus, I love God and I want more of this" First job was pulling weeds as a gardener and the landscaper in the summer in Oregon With YWAM, Matt did missions on a small island and in Hong Kong and Singapore In 2005 he started a business consulting firm in Singapore that includes training and communication "I translate the Kingdom of God into business material, into engaging people and working with them" " I had no idea you could have such rich and meaningful conversations in the marketplace" "My role is to figure out who they are, how they're unstuck and how to get them unstuck" "One of the weaknesses with evangelicalism is that we don't really love people, we don't want to meet them where they are, we just want to get them saved" "The first question people struggle with and that God asks us is 'where are you?', that's one of the most profound questions we can ask" "Day to day, being authentic, getting to know someone is the missing piece sometimes" "be present without being anxious or reactive, that's the discipline of maturity...that's the mastery of Jesus" "you don't want to get into a difficult situation and not have trained...you practice your reactions with your wife and kids" "Very few people have theology questions, what's driving those questions is a broken heart" "The only Being in the universe who doesn't have to ask questions comes into our broken and rebellious world and the first thing He does is ask 3 questions. 'where are you?', 'who told you?', and 'have you eaten?'" "Asking questions ought to be one of our highest priorities" and "not questions that are statements in disguise"  "When I stepped out of missions, I realized that secretly I had carried a little bit of arrogance in my heart that I was doing spiritual work by doing missions and that now that I was outside of it I wasn't doing spiritual work" "The reason the church is in the shape it's in is because we haven't taken the full counsel of God" "This whole idea that we're to leave God out is absurd...all they're really saying is 'just leave us alone'" "God is interested in all areas of life and has something to say about all areas of life" "Anytime you're fighting for control, you're not fighting for the Kingdom of God" Contact www.brokentopleadership.com for daily devotional or go to www.MatthewRawlins.org