What You'll Hear:

We think we're no going to share our faith out of fear, but that's a symptom, the real problem is they are not learning how to sharee their faith and no-one is teaching it 83% of people who have come to Christ have done so through direct involvement with a friend or neighbor, not a church or pastor Most Christians are not sharing their faith What makes you successful in evangelism is not how many you lead to Christ, but being ready Before even beginning, you need to pray - it's not us who wins others to Christ, our job is just to be ready, the Holy Spirit leads others to Christ     Step 1 is to share your testimony, it's the first opportunity for them to see God in you Step 2 is the trust statement, you ask the individual what they believe or don't believe is required to go to heaven, you need to know this  before you go any further Step 3 is to share the Gospel, have a template, let God's word do the talking, scripture never returns back void Step 4 is to draw the net, ask questions to make sure they understood what you just shared Step 5 is to close the deal, ask "If you believe what I just said, would you like to put your faith in Christ?" Step 6 is the assurance of salvation, ask questions to make sure they understand what they just did Asking someone to church is better than nothing at all, but anyone can be successful and competent in sharing their faith In order to be a disciple of Christ, you have to be a follower of Christ, the first step is evangelism and the second part is discipleship We don't have to worry about discipleship over evangelism, God knows what they need for discipleship The greatest way to love somebody is to make sure they know their relationship with God is assured To go from small talk to a spiritual conversation, first ask them a lot of questions, then ask them if they'd like to hear how your life changed for the better Go to www.faithwithoutfearbook.com, there are 4 resources included with the book, can also go www.MenUnplugged.net