What You'll Hear:

Works at a University in Texas in financial education PhD in Adult Education Grew up in 2 parent household, raised in church, lot of conflicting messages,  He wasn't macho as a child and people called him gay, the enemy was trying to implant in him at an early age His Dad was not horrible, but distant and worked a lot, he didn't know how to operate in love In Middle School Terrance was introduced to Porn.  He thought it was just his personal sin and wouldn't affect others, but that was not true. It distorted his image of people and women.  It's extremely harmful and further fed the lust within him. "Sin always takes you further than you want to go" "Our churches don't create a safe place to get through deliverance" Sharing your testimony is powerful At age 13 he had his first homosexual experience.  He prayed every time which was helpful, but he kept it to himself which was not helpful Two friends he confided in had very different responses.  One encouraged him in his homosexuality, the other led him toward Christ in what Terrance called "transformational inclusion" You should always preach the truth in love, even if the person doesn't receive it at the time Even though he knew he was out of the will of God, he knew from his training in church that he should be in church His mother's discipline created a lot of safety for him His church in college brought to him conviction, not shame The first thing God wanted Terrance to work on was his mind, and then his relationships He had to eliminate and replace people in his life who were not affirming him toward Christ He had a demon released from him in a powerful way in an out-of-body experience When you open yourself to sin, you leave yourself open to all sorts of demonic influences At one point, Terrance thought he had Herpes but found out he didn't.  At scary moments like that, we should use this as a wake-up call from God When he went to grad school, he wanted to find and be married to a woman but had big insecurities, his church was critical for him during that time He didn't feel worthy to ask God for a wife but God brought him a wife If you take one step, God will take two go to www.TerranceJMcClain.com or on Facebook or Instagram for info on his book "God Brought me Through It"