What You'll Hear: Ru was raised knowing the Lord, but didn't have a personal encounter until he got in a car accident in 1979, running into a bridge going 55 mph, after which he was watching The Crystal Cathedral and got saved It took a while for Ru to get out of the habits he had, and on the way to work one day he heard the Lord speak to him telling him to preach and teach Ru started his career in radio right out of high school, working at WCBS in New York City He worked in Baltimore on air and then went to North Carolina He went to Rhema Bible Training Center to enter ministry and get more solid in the Word.  He worked in radio there in Tulsa God used Ru's knowledge in radio to help advance the Kingdom of God Ru got his BA in Theology in 2006. God used him in different ways at different times Ru never quit loving God but sometimes missed some things Once you know the truth and the fullness of the Lord, we'll always have the truth, the love the promises of God with us Ru's heart is teaching believers how to witness.  That's been a missing element. Ru wrote a book called "So you want to go to heaven" written to non-believers Jesus is the door, the only way to get to heaven To share the gospel, you need to get over the fear factor Renew your mind and leave the things of the world and come to the love and compassion of Jesus Christ and you will really live God loves you and wants the best for you, what we do is allow the enemy to come in because we get out of the care of God Hell is a real place and we shouldn't want anybody to ever go to Hell, that's why it's important for us to talk to people God's plan and purpose gives our lives meaning One way to witness is to say "if you suddenly died tonight, where would you go?" Ru doesn't count how many people he's lead to the Lord, his objective is to help people understand that they need Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior Another witness method when going door to door is to ask if they think the church is being effective in the community first Do not share the gospel while you're working, do it while on a break or at lunch when you're off the clock unless it comes up in a general discussion Never argue with people Even if you're at a store, don't talk with employees because they're there to work Be the best at what you do, you give honor to God and give glory in your life If you don't know what to do with your career, you need to pray, and it may take a couple of jobs to figure that out No job is guaranteed to last forever When it comes to work life balance, God is first, your wife is second, your children are third, your job is fourth You can't just leave a kid alone today and think they'll be OK Proverbs was written for young people It's one thing to assume, it's another thing to know Favorite scripture if John 3:16, it's so powerful, another one is Ps 91:14-16 "Because he has set his love upon Me, therefore I will deliver him; I will set him on high, because he has known My name.
15 He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him and honor him.
16 With long life I will satisfy him, And show him My salvation" We spend a lot of time in our cars.  A lot of guys are into sports. Why not spend some time listening to the Word right in your own car undistracted.
We're the most educated and advanced we've ever been and diverse, and yet things are falling apart in every area.  The one thing that's been left out of the equation is people have gotten further away from the Lord.
Be brave about letting people know about Jesus Christ as Lord
Every day someone dies and they either meet Jesus or they don't
To contact Ru, email [email protected]

What You'll Hear: Ru was raised knowing the Lord, but didn't have a personal encounter until he got in a car accident in 1979, running into a bridge going 55 mph, after which he was watching The Crystal Cathedral and got saved It took a while for Ru to get out of the habits he had, and on the way to work one day he heard the Lord speak to him telling him to preach and teach Ru started his career in radio right out of high school, working at WCBS in New York City He worked in Baltimore on air and then went to North Carolina He went to Rhema Bible Training Center to enter ministry and get more solid in the Word.  He worked in radio there in Tulsa God used Ru's knowledge in radio to help advance the Kingdom of God Ru got his BA in Theology in 2006. God used him in different ways at different times Ru never quit loving God but sometimes missed some things Once you know the truth and the fullness of the Lord, we'll always have the truth, the love the promises of God with us Ru's heart is teaching believers how to witness.  That's been a missing element. Ru wrote a book called "So you want to go to heaven" written to non-believers Jesus is the door, the only way to get to heaven To share the gospel, you need to get over the fear factor Renew your mind and leave the things of the world and come to the love and compassion of Jesus Christ and you will really live God loves you and wants the best for you, what we do is allow the enemy to come in because we get out of the care of God Hell is a real place and we shouldn't want anybody to ever go to Hell, that's why it's important for us to talk to people God's plan and purpose gives our lives meaning One way to witness is to say "if you suddenly died tonight, where would you go?" Ru doesn't count how many people he's lead to the Lord, his objective is to help people understand that they need Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior Another witness method when going door to door is to ask if they think the church is being effective in the community first Do not share the gospel while you're working, do it while on a break or at lunch when you're off the clock unless it comes up in a general discussion Never argue with people Even if you're at a store, don't talk with employees because they're there to work Be the best at what you do, you give honor to God and give glory in your life If you don't know what to do with your career, you need to pray, and it may take a couple of jobs to figure that out No job is guaranteed to last forever When it comes to work life balance, God is first, your wife is second, your children are third, your job is fourth You can't just leave a kid alone today and think they'll be OK Proverbs was written for young people It's one thing to assume, it's another thing to know Favorite scripture if John 3:16, it's so powerful, another one is Ps 91:14-16 "Because he has set his love upon Me, therefore I will deliver him; I will set him on high, because he has known My name. 15 He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him and honor him. 16 With long life I will satisfy him, And show him My salvation" We spend a lot of time in our cars.  A lot of guys are into sports. Why not spend some time listening to the Word right in your own car undistracted. We're the most educated and advanced we've ever been and diverse, and yet things are falling apart in every area.  The one thing that's been left out of the equation is people have gotten further away from the Lord. Be brave about letting people know about Jesus Christ as Lord Every day someone dies and they either meet Jesus or they don't To contact Ru, email [email protected]