How can we find more peace with God? It is unity with God and the power of relaxation he created in our bodies that can help us feel peace.  Through His spirit we can feel calm and reduce stress, worry, and anxiety. The most useful meditation that I have had is when I feel that all formal barriers are dropped between me and God.  



Get comfortable and take some time.  Dedicate 20 minutes to get the most out of this.

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Outline: Relaxation, Meditation, Prayer, Contemplation, Visualization


Relaxation and breathing exercises to reduce stress:

Relaxation helps us prepare our minds to listen to God.  Begin by becoming aware of your body.  As you do and you become aware of your breathing pattern. Breath slowly. Allow yourself to calm.  Feel your muscles unflex.  Let all compulsive thoughts go and focus on breathing, preparing your mind to receive the scripture.


Biblical Meditation on Bible verses John 17:20-23:

20 “I pray not only for them, but also for those who will believe in me through their word,

21 so that they may all be one, as you, Father, are in me and I in you, that they also may be in us, that the world may believe that you sent me.

22 And I have given them the glory you gave me, so that they may be one, as we are one,

23 I in them and you in me, that they may be brought to perfection as one, that the world may know that you sent me, and that you loved them even as you loved me.


Meditation prayer to God:

What message stood out to you during the reading of this scripture?

This is part of the great intercessory prayer.  This is Jesus praying for his disciples.  Right before this he specifically mentions how he is praying for those that his father had given him, those who believe in Him.  When Jesus prayed for them he prays that they may be one with Him.  Jesus wants you to be one with him as he is one with the Father.  Imagine that.  My goal here is not to examine an abstract theology but to look at the concrete way Jesus compares His union with the Father to the union we can share with Him.  Regardless of how literal this is, this is an amazing overpowering thought.  What kind of things does Jesus pray for?  He prays that you can be one with him.  His greatest desire is that we are joined with Him.  Let that sink in.  You can be one with Jesus.  This is not through our power.  This is because we are a gift to Jesus.  Despite all our brokenness.  Despite our rebellious desires, somehow Jesus considers fallen humans a gift.  Despite what we cost Him.  Despite Gethsemane, despite Golgotha, despite the blood on the Cross and the tomb, He calls us friends.  May this union with God continually draw us closer to Jesus’ desires for us.


Contemplative Meditation with God:

Through a contemplative silence we open our hearts to God.  We experience His friendship.  We sit in awe of his love and mercy.  Bring to mind the last time you experienced awe.  Apply that to unity with God. Imagine God’s loving face smiling at you.  


Watch God redeem you:

There are powerful lessons from reflecting on God’s word. As you have been meditating on these things, consider what is the most valuable thing that has been impressed on you.  Visualize that moment is as great of detail as possible.

Share these insights with someone you trust spiritually, in the comments section in iTunes, or by contacting me through my website



Please use this podcast as a tool, and not a crutch, to help you draw closer to God and feel his peace. The power to feel peace comes from interacting with the Spirit of God as well as tapping into the power of relaxation he created inside of us.

If this content was meaningful for you share it with 7 people you care about.  The only thing I get out of this podcast is knowing that this message can bring peace to people’s lives.  As you share it you can help bring them some peace in their lives as well.  I release a new episode each Sunday morning at 1 AM mountain time.  By subscribing to the podcast you can easily download them to your smartphone each week when they come out.

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