#8: I remember when I was a little girl, I love drawing on the chalk boards, or whatever paper and markers I could get the hold of, and just let my imagination flow.

However, since the Powerpoint entered to my former corporate life, I found myself couldn’t draw a thing anymore. Funny thing is nowadays many corporations would hire Sketch- noting experts to come to their organizations to “doodle out” their process & procedures, or whatever their next goal-setting as a team. As the result has been proven as stunningly effective especially in business communication.

Today our guest does just that, and super good at it. Not only for corporations, also for entrepreneurs just like you and me.

His name is Laurens Bonnema.

I met Laurens in New Media Europe conference in Sept. 2015. Many of attendants were surprised by the natural beauty of his sketch notes from the event. Why I said natural beauty, well, you got to listen further to figure it out, and WHY it’s probably the most powerful branding strategy for your business.

His official bio: Laurens is an Agile Management Consultant and an expert in sustainably aligning business and IT to improve the results of IT projects. And he

helps people (re)learn how to visualize their ideas through sketch-noting and graphic recording so they can communicate those ideas more effectively, help each other to solve problems, and have lots of fun. Now, let’s chat with Laurens.

Key Lessons:

How entrepreneurs can use sketch-noting to convey their message in a powerful way.The best way to learn sketch-noting.The best branding strategy for your business

Important Links & Mentions in this episode:

Rachel Smith's TEDx talk: https://youtu.be/3tJPeumHNLY

Mike Rohde's Sketchnote Army: http://sketchnotearmy.com

Doug Neill's Verbal to Visual: https://youtu.be/AORR9Ud2vsI

Sarah Williams' videoscribes: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNTMrEE34TtCeZ5Nb_MjMetvGp-xRF4Nk

Laurens' website: https://bonnema.ink