If I ask you what’s the relation between a Singing career and Social Media Tools, you probably think I am kinda crazy, or not logical at all. Well, our guest today who has turned his professional singing career to become the speaker on the main stages of Social Media industry, including Social Media World in USA, and New Media Europe in UK and more.

Curious how it happened? You have to listen further.

Before that, let me introduce you our guest today: Ian Anderson Gray.

Ian Anderson Gray is founder of social media tools blog, Seriously Social and co-founder of web agency Select Performers. He's a consultant, speaker, web developer, teacher and trained as a professional singer. He lives near Manchester, UK. I met Ian in 2015 when he spoke in New Media Europe conference, since then we became great friends, as he is such a wonderful business buddy and brother in Christ.

Key Lessons from this Episode:

How Ian turned his Singer career to become Speaker as Social Media Tool Expert (God wastes nothing in your journey.) How to choose the right social media management tools for your business. Top 5 Social Media Management tools Ian recommends Main Benefits of FB Live for Small Business Owners & Entrepreneurs

Links For this Episode:

Ian’s website: http://iag.me/

Ian’s famous FB Live OBS course, which was featured in Mari Smith’s newsletter: https://members.seriouslysocial.me/fblivecourse/ref/kellybaader/

Top 5 Social Media Tools:


Show Page: http://kellybaader.com/009