Adam Hamilton is a prolific author and the pastor of a large United Methodist Church in Leawood, Kansas. He was interviewed on the United Methodist web \site about the question, “Do you have to read the Bible literally?” His answer was that sometimes you read the Bible more literally, while other times you read the Bible less literally. For example, he doesn’t consider Adam and Eve to be literal historical figures. It also doesn’t matter to him if Jonah was literally in the belly of a great fish. He believes much of the Old Testament is just an archetypal story. That is a story where we see ourselves, not a record of historical truth. While he believes the New Testament is more historically reliable than the Old Testament, he doesn’t believe it is completely true and can always be trusted. Adam Hamilton’s view of the Bible as sacred story instead of factual history is sweeping across America. Should the Bible be read as nothing more than a story that doesn’t need to connect with historical events? If we were to ask the Bible what it says about itself, how would it tell us to read it and understand it? Join us as we answer the question, “Can I trust my Bible?”