Videos build relationships particularly in this environment when we've got to be able to communicate virtually. Also, it communicates simpler and faster than a human as it can bridge the gap in terms of delivering a simplified message. 

Video legend Rob McAdam from CXO Security gives us his perspective on how to ensure your videos are working and keep them relevant for your clients, staff and the broader community.

"It really comes back to defining the strategy right upfront. We will be different for every business because every business has already existing touchpoints, whether that's over an email or a phone call. It's about video supplementing and helping people through that journey."

Videos need to be purposeful, relevant and executed easily.

And watch the full video

Watch the Viral Video

If you have little to no knowledge of video marketing, then register for the next video marketing workshop. Click here.

If you want to make your DIY videos easy, check out the video and DM/call me today.

1300 474 343
[email protected]

Ridge Films Corporate Pty Ltd
Level 26, 1 Bligh Street
Sydney NSW 2000

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