People are tired of boring and robotic automated non-human template emails. While one could argue that it works, there's often not a lot of humanisation in the process.

Video legend Matt Barnett from Bonjoro gives us his perspective on creating and growing a more humanised business using videos.

"People say, I don't have the time to send a video to every lead, every customer that comes through and to ask what my response is, if you don't have a minute spend on the customer, you probably don't deserve that customer. In terms of doing the live video, just be yourself. People appreciate it more because it's transparent and trustworthy."

And make sure to check out Bonjoro to boost customer engagement with perfectly timed personal videos

If you have little to no knowledge of video marketing, then register for the next video marketing workshop. Click here.

If you want to make your DIY videos easy, check out the video and DM/call me today.

1300 474 343
[email protected]

Ridge Films Corporate Pty Ltd
Level 26, 1 Bligh Street
Sydney NSW 2000

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