Gone are the days of printing a proposal, having it binded and sliding it over the table. 9 times out of 10, people just went straight to the bottom page to look at the price, without understanding anything else about the scope of works, and more importantly, what the end result was going to be.

In this episode, Chris Schwager and Brendan Southall, Video Marketers & Co-Founders of Ridge Films,  discusses the value that Proposal Walkthrough videos bring. Learn how to ensure all the decision-makers and stakeholders understand what is included in the proposal and how it will come together.

Find out how you could turn your long, tedious proposal document into an engaging, helpful and valued video proposal that ultimately guides opportunities to sign on the dotted line.

Highlights of this episode

[02:08] Value of Proposal Walkthrough videos
[04:40] The process of closing deals
[09:20] Results of this type of video

Click here to connect with Chris on LinkedIn
Click here to connect with Brendan on LinkedIn
Click here to learn more about DIY Video Program  to produce proposal walkthrough videos with speed and scale
Click here to register for the video workshop and get our script template
Click here to ask questions, rate, comment on the show

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Ridge Films Corporate Pty Ltd
Level 26, 1 Bligh Street
Sydney NSW 2000

Ask questions, rate, and comment on the show and let us know what insight and tips from our industry experts you'd like to know. If you're looking to use video to humanise your business with video marketing, this is a great show for you.

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