Get ready for a no-nonsense dive as Chris teams up with the powerhouse herself, Sonia Majkic from 3 Phase Marketing, to unleash the secrets of steering success in the chaotic entrepreneurial waters. From building habits to making waves in the digital marketing realm, this episode spills the beans on how to own your DIY journey.

Buckle up for banter, insights, and a bloody good time as Chris and Sonia drop truth bombs on DIY, marketing, and everything in between. It's unfiltered, it's real, and it's here to kick your DIY game up a notch.

FOLLOW Sonia Majkic or check out their WEBSITE to learn more about their services.

DIY VIDEO PROGRAM Create your own videos with a push of a button

VIDEO COACHING Refine your on-camera skills with personalised guidance from industry experts

ON-CAMERA TRAINING Create outstanding videos with natural skills of a professional presenter

DIY VIDEO WORKSHOP Learn how to save time, build consistency, and show up like a professional

CONVINCE YOUR BOSS Download our guide to help decision makers understand the importance of video marketing their business. 

RIDGE FILMS YOUTUBE Catch recent episodes of the DIY Video for Professionals podcast on our Youtube channel. Let us know what you think and feel free to like, comment, and subscribe.