Picture this: a video call with clients, colleagues, or even your boss, and all they can hear is background noise, crackling audio, or your voice dropping in and out. Not exactly the professional image you want to project, right?

In this week's episode, Chris Schwager (Video Marketer and Co-founder of Ridge Films) reveals how to turn your audio from a liability to an asset. Learn about the top five tools for crystal clear communication, why Bluetooth isn't always the answer, and how to use these to your advantage. Discover how to overcome common audio obstacles during video calls to achieve effective communication and maintain a professional image for your brand. 

But if you want a professional-grade setup, check out the DIY Video Program and click the link below.

DIY VIDEO PROGRAM Create your own videos with a push of a button

ON-CAMERA TRAINING Create outstanding videos with natural skills of a professional presenter


 What has you feeling overwhelmed? Let us help you solve the mystery of video marketing

CONVINCE YOUR BOSS Download our guide to help decision makers understand the importance of video marketing their business. 

THE POWER OF VIDEO MARKETING View on demand in 60-minutes. 7 lessons to kickstart your video marketing journey.

RIDGE FILMS YOUTUBE Catch new episodes of the Video Made Simple podcast on our Youtube channel. Let us know what you think and feel free to like, comment, and subscribe.