With competition growing faster online, the need for websites to rank better to increase traffic has never been this demanding. According to Zero Limit Web, the first five organic results account for 67.6% of all the clicks, so it really pays to be on the top.

But how exactly do you optimise your website so it's more searchable? How long does it really take for it to work? Do videos make you rank better? And can you really do this on your own or should you get an expert to help you out?

In this episode, Chris Schwager (Co-founder and Video Marketer of Ridge Films) is joined by James Parnwell (Founding Director of The Online Co) to discuss everything about Search Engine Optimisation (SEO): how it works, how Google algorithm behaves, how videos help your website become searchable, and what businesses can do to rank better on Google search engine. Learn how SEO differs from SEM or Search Engine Marketing aka Google Ads, which helps your website rank faster for a price. Explore how algorithm changes towards paid ads and organic searches. And finally, understand why SEO is a slow burn process and may take months to fully realise, and how transparency can help demystify this concept. 

FOLLOW JAMES PARNWELL or check out The Online Co website to learn more. 

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