A few months ago, I was lucky enough to host Dr Maggie Gilewicz as a guest on my podcast, to discuss her book How to Make Sure Your Life Doesn’t Suck. Her book is unique and well worth reading, and it also share a few common themes with my last book, Shine Manifesto. So she decided to return the favour and invited me as a guest on her podcast, and has graciously allowed me to share the recording with my listeners, too. We spent nearly two hours discussing a wide variety of themes. 
We explored how how materialism Is driven by dissatisfaction. We touched on how, when we live life according to our own internal compass, instead of seeking approval, validation, affirmation or permission from others, we are much more likely to gain the success we crave. And we discussed how we need to abandon judgement and complaining in order to find beauty in life and lift each other up.
Enjoy this wide ranging conversation, conducted via zoom under COVID-19 lockdown conditions. 
Maggie’s website: www.drmaggieg.com