Next Episode: Grand Gestures

So how do we navigate the stormy seas that happen 50% of the time?
1. Acknowledge that storms are a given and will happen - be prepared for that 


It doesn’t mean we won’t take on waves or water, it means that how we respond to the wind and waves does.


What we expose ourselves to can hinder or help our ability to keep our ship headed in the most healthy direction possible.


When the sun is shining, soak it all in. Absorb that Vitamin D we all need and allow it to penetrate your soul with gratitude for those sunny days. 


When the wind and waves come, know that the author of this life - our creator desires to give us peace despite the storms. He knows every detail of the wind and waves and desires to give us that comfort we all desire to feel even when it feels like the winds will never calm down. He is there for us. We have to simply invite him on board the boat.