Keeping Faith In Business artwork

Keeping Faith In Business

123 episodes - English - Latest episode: about 2 months ago - ★★★★★ - 42 ratings

Encouragement to stay faithful to what God has given you while you finish the race set before you as a bold witness for the faith and hope you have to be an influential person in your marketplace. Believing in the calling to run with excellence in all you do while having the audacity to walk out the plans God has for you to be an influence in the marketplace, confident in your calling.

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Top 5 Must Do's

April 29, 2024 23:34 - 16 minutes - 31.6 MB

My top 5 list of MUST do's for faith based business decision making, strategies and for ideal success!    You make decisions with your business and they should absolutely be in full alignment with your Christian walk. 

Action Renders Fruit

February 20, 2024 15:04 - 10 minutes - 20.5 MB

We are created to be fruit bearers. We are created for influence. We are created to multiply our efforts. So what does the activity look like with those outcomes?   Let me also tell you that in this process, never trust your feelings. They are not worthy of your trust.   You need to trust the ONE who guided you to this path and stay on the path with the steps that it takes to remain on the path.   I promise you, that you will gain traction and you will encounter people who will f...

From Good to Great

February 14, 2024 01:31 - 28 minutes - 54.6 MB

You are good. But can you be great?!    I am not referring to a life of being content with what you have. Contentment is a mindset.   I believe, as people whose lives are rooted in faith, we walk a fine line between desiring more for this life and having a spirit of contentment. What I will be sharing with you is a perspective around what God is capable of doing through you. When we look at our lives as holy and belonging to HIM, we have a higher understanding that we are His vessels...

Other People's Opinions of YOU

December 13, 2023 00:26 - 7 minutes - 15.1 MB

Other people’s opinions: None of your business If those opinions prevent you from doing what you are called to do, they become an idol for you   When you are on mission for meaningful things, you should have one person who you are looking to for validation or approval, and that is YOUR creator.   So unless those people loved you enough to die for you, they should NOT be who you are considering as part of the equation for your ability to impact people in this world.  

God's Masterpiece

November 10, 2023 00:56 - 13 minutes - 26.9 MB

In case you struggle with having value with your life.   In case you frequently wonder what this life is about anyway.   You are not alone. Most people undervalue who they are. Once we realize WHOSE we are, we can better understand Who we are. Then have the audacity to actually believe it!  You are made for more. 

From Doubt to Belief

October 04, 2023 01:27 - 14 minutes - 27.5 MB

Get clear on who God is. Get clear on who you are as a result of who God is and then have the audacity to believe that He desires to do meaningful work through you - the kind of impact that is MORE THAN you can think, ask or imagine.  I actually have the audacity to believe that God desires to do BIG things through me. Buuuuut, I also have these very conflicting thoughts that accompany that same belief. Its a very confusing mixed message I navigate. How can you move from doubt to belie...

The Desires of Our Hearts

September 25, 2023 22:08 - 11 minutes - 21.6 MB

Maybe you are like me? Maybe you put attention and priority towards things that have no earthly value? Maybe you struggle with the desire to see and do things that matter most for all of eternity? God is growing my thought process around doing everything I do as if for the Lord. He is teaching me that when my heart aligns more with His, that doors open to more of the things that matter most, including the least of these.

Losing Control

August 25, 2023 19:35 - 20 minutes - 39.6 MB

Our behaviors leave us clues. Sometimes our behaviors are not just about the behavior. Many times there is a root cause to our behaviors that we can connect the dots to point to a direction that indicate where our faith, hope and love reside. Its important to realize and know that there are behaviors that happen as a result of those root fears and lack of trust that can lead us down paths that render us feeling powerless and out of control. We grab the steering wheel and course correct...

Fetal to Faithful

August 09, 2023 15:16 - 9 minutes - 17.8 MB

When you’re in the depths of pain, whether it’s separation from loved ones, financial crisis, marital discord, and the challenges of raising a family, God is not the one who moves. We are the ones who move. We are the ones who remain less faithful. We lose our focus and we become self reliant on how to move through.    Our position is not faithful    God is always faithful to us so why can’t we be faithful to him?  Why do we lose our focus?  Why do we lose our fervency    Sin...

Fear of Perception

June 27, 2023 18:58 - 15 minutes - 29.2 MB

Pride keeps us from doing what we can still do.  Shame keeps us in regret.     Pride closes the door to spiritual growth, but humility opens the door of your life to more of God's grace.  In the end,it is because of Jesus’s humility that we can be forgiven of our pride. This life is not about us and we only deserve the wrath of God for our sin. Jesus took the punishment of our pride upon himself at the cross so we are renewed amd made humble like our savior.   Being humbled is no...

World Thyroid Day

May 25, 2023 21:14 - 13 minutes - 25.5 MB

I want to encourage you to advocate today. Advocate for your best self. Advocate for your belief that you are worthy of being set free. Advocate that your life matters and that there is more to your life than just existing. That you are made to thrive. You are made for purpose and your body is designed to carry you to that life purpose.   You can take all the dream vacations and live in the dream home and have the dream this and dream that, but if you are not walking out the plans that...

When you believe who you are

May 05, 2023 19:07 - 11 minutes - 22.7 MB

All these areas of our lives are all avenues that God desires to use you, to deliver you from, to give you healing from, to give you hope for the future from and as you allow him to use these things for his Glory, you become more set free. And the more set free you become, the more your life looks and feels like it is made to. Its made to matter.    The narrative in our heads can be flipped like a switch. Remember to acknowledge and ask yourself when you have those limiting thoughts of y...

The Best ROI For Eternal Life

April 14, 2023 03:07 - 11 minutes - 22.2 MB

There are a lot of things that we can delineate for our time in life   I like to think of it in 2 categories We either invest our time or we spend it   When I think about investing my time in things like my health and fitness or my walk with God, those yield a return. A high rate of return.   And my investment in my body - that is Gods vessel, allows me to yield a higher return on my desires to seek Him, to seek first His kingdom, to do more of the things that matter in this li...

I have a decided heart

March 28, 2023 23:39 - 14 minutes - 28.3 MB

When you tell other people what you have a decided heart for, you are less likely to have failure find you in that area of life.    You will seek to find solutions in the challenge and you can give permission to those people who you told to help keep you accountable.    With any successful outcome, it will always be preceded by a decision first.   When we decide…   When we have a decided heart vs a divided heart, success will follow.   Why?   Because once the decision...

Stop Accepting Defeat

March 06, 2023 20:38 - 11 minutes - 22.7 MB

In our humanity  In our very existence  We crave validation - we want to be known and loved When we move in our calling to impact the lives around us, we will use a source of energy to continue to fuel our desire and that’s based on the energy and validation we get back. I don’t know a single soul who wouldn’t desire this. The challenge then becomes how do we continue to choose to be a person, an agent of change, a source of love and light when there is no validation back? Emotio...

A girl can dream

February 02, 2023 20:28 - 15 minutes - 29.5 MB

So my question for you today is  Can you dream bigger?  Should you dream bigger? Where are you dreaming small? What lies are you believing and can you make them obedient to what God says of you instead of what you believe of you or what you believe the world believes of you. Don't just pray for the fruit.  Pray for the capacity to hold what you receive.  Pray for the courage and boldness to make big moves.  Pray for a committed heart and conviction when you're operating out of ...

No Worries

January 16, 2023 20:24 - 15 minutes - 29.4 MB

  Our thoughts of worry can become feelings that leave us unsettled and uncertain. So how do we merge thoughts of hope with thoughts of worry? First we have to ask ourselves: What can we be certain of?  The bible says that God will never leave us or forsake us.  So no matter how bleak it may seem, the truth is we belong to Him and he has us in the palm of his hands. And while circumstances may not be ideal, or within our desires and hopes, we still belong to God and we are cared ...

Pursuing What Is Possible With God

January 03, 2023 16:59 - 13 minutes - 26.2 MB

Take a moment to consider the trught that God will exceed anything we can ask or imagine.    I often repeat this back to myself and it lights up my heart every single time. Paul's words in Ephesians encourage me to come to prayer with a bigger outlook about what is possible. I dare you to consider bigger. I dare you to consider bolder in pursuing what is possible with God. 

A Decade of Dreaming and Doing

December 12, 2022 21:29 - 15 minutes - 29 MB

I want to encourage you. Your life goal should not be to arrive at the end safe. We were never called to live safe lives. We are called to hard… good… earth shattering.. hard things and we are promised to be held in every aspect.    The end result of our willingness to do uncomfortable awkward unsuspecting things is a satisfaction that our heavenly father desires to give us. Our character grows the harder things we face. We become stronger and better people. We become fruitful and walkin...

Even When We Can't Feel It

November 30, 2022 01:02 - 12 minutes - 23.4 MB

I have heard so many stories about people who experience peace when they say no to hard things in life.  Let me tell you, it is ABSOLUTELY peaceful to not be doing meaningful things - especially the things that God has laid in front of us to do. Its not your calling that burdens you, its your resistance to it that is causing you the pain.  Your calling will crush you, press you down and you will become refined and new in this process. Even when we can't feel it, God is working.

Grand Gestures

October 09, 2022 20:30 - 21 minutes - 41.2 MB

One last thought on the idea of grand gestures. Sometimes we are on the giving end and sometimes we are on the receiving end. And we base how we receive on the level of our worthiness.  When someone acts grand in our lives, we will internalize that gesture and see ourselves as worthy to receive or not worthy.   Our lives are not on our merit. They are on the merit of God. We would not be here if it were not for Him and his hand over our lives.   I could tell that the first homeow...

Turn this ship around

September 07, 2022 23:17 - 8 minutes - 16.9 MB

So how do we navigate the stormy seas that happen 50% of the time? 1. Acknowledge that storms are a given and will happen - be prepared for that    It doesn’t mean we won’t take on waves or water, it means that how we respond to the wind and waves does.   What we expose ourselves to can hinder or help our ability to keep our ship headed in the most healthy direction possible.   When the sun is shining, soak it all in. Absorb that Vitamin D we all need and allow it to penetrate your ...

What if you didn't let it bother you?

August 11, 2022 19:53 - 10 minutes - 19.7 MB

What if these were to simply think about making a choice to not let what doesn’t weigh in the balance for all of eternity to not bother them.   Its statistically and humanly possible to always be in agreement with everyone about every thing in life.   Even more so, those statistics get really small in the confines of our very close relationships.   Typically when we are in conflict its because we see things going differently than they are.   Ive always perceived expectations ...

From Bleak to Blow Your Mind

August 04, 2022 22:05 - 9 minutes - 18.7 MB

Our waiting  Our financial challenges  Our health Our conflict at work Difficult seasons in life   They happen  They are for a purpose    Sometimes these less than ideal things happen as a result of a poor choice on our part   Sometimes its a poor choice on someone else’s part   Ultimately its not lost on God what’s happening     

More Meaningful Outcomes

July 20, 2022 22:18 - 17 minutes - 33.6 MB

The bible says that we are not to plan on what we will do on this day or that.  I pray and ask God for things according to His will and his plan for my life. I will never be attached to any outcome that he may allow whether I ask big for something and it happens or whether I don’t.   I could do nothing or I could do something. Something opens up space for BIG somethings and BIG somethings are opportunities for the world to see what our amazing God is capable of doing in and through his ...

Help My Unbelief

July 12, 2022 18:47 - 11 minutes - 22 MB

Assume success because God is absolutely for you.  He is for your in your marriage He is for you in your career He is for you in your family He is for you in your ministry He is for you with your health   Your ability to do - solely rests upon lining up your heart belief with your mind belief and making your thoughts obedient to what Gods word says of you. He is for you. 

Test Me In This

June 03, 2022 01:21 - 13 minutes - 25.9 MB

We - you and I - have the opportunity for God to use us in ways we may not even ask for or imagine, but he does desire to use us.   When we surrender to Him and acknowledge who He is and that no matter what we have or we don’t, that we desire to be His hands and feet so that others can KNOW who He is. He is caring for others and many times he is doing that through us We don’t have to worry and others don’t have to worry because God is the orchestrator and we are the instruments of Hi...

You don't HAVE to walk around offended

May 18, 2022 23:06 - 15 minutes - 30.1 MB

Jesus PURSUED people who were awkward Jesus pursued people who most people would not pursue   If our lives are looking more and more like His, our life will have conflict and we have a choice of how we see that conflict   Its who we CHOOSE to see Its who we choose to be   So be offended and see if that moves you in a path of more purpose, more peace and more confidence for the days ahead    Or choose to let God in. Give him a room in your house of life Allow him to be e...

I am not ok

May 11, 2022 21:13 - 16 minutes - 32.6 MB

Check on your friends, they may not be ok How are you? Are you ok? Ask questions. And be honest with others if you are not ok.   We are living in different times This current state of affairs in our world  we are in has opened up space for a lot of confusion, a lot of fear a lot of lack of clarity for what is true and what is false   We are sifting and sorting sifting and sorting through all this uncertainty and all of this “what in the actual” is going on here?   I get it ...

Don't forget to feed the baby

May 05, 2022 17:34 - 18 minutes - 36.1 MB

Our brains are wired to keep us safe Our brains are also wired to keep us so that we are right about our thoughts. So if our thought is, we aren’t a good parent our brain will look for answers that make that a true thought.   If our thought is we could never get that promotion - our brain will look for ways for that to be right   If our thought is, we couldn’t ever achieve a healthier weight, our brain will look for ways for us to be right about that and then subconsciously we put...

What's in your backpack?

April 27, 2022 00:17 - 13 minutes - 26.5 MB

Most of us go along in life and as we travel we pick up things that we end up not always fully dealing with. We pack them in a backpack on our lives. We hang onto them and overtime those things we pack in and don’t deal with, get heavy.    Encountering God in this way - allows you to empty the back pack and gives you tools about how not to repack

When doing good things leaves you sad

April 19, 2022 22:14 - 14 minutes - 28 MB

How is it that the list of good that we do in this world still can leave us feeling sad? Could I or should I choose something else to do?  Perhaps something less meaningful and less selfless?  But I always talk myself back to watering the grass I am on and being content with where God has me. I pick up my boot straps and I get back at it.   I've always known that this life is not about me. I have always known that we will face challenges and trials of many kind - it says so in the ...

What you are saying when you don't say a word

April 19, 2022 21:24 - 16 minutes - 31.3 MB

Have you ever found yourself lacking confidence? Have you ever found yourself deflecting compliments? Have you ever found yourself with low expectations in life? 7 scriptures to boost your belief and confidence

Comparison is the thief of contentment

March 17, 2022 23:04 - 9 minutes - 17.9 MB

We were never designed to compare It was never intended for us to have a spirit of competition or to feel less than  Sometimes we struggle to see the opportunity and the beauty in the present because we are too busy looking left and right, and allowing the enemy to steal our joy and even worse, we look back far too often in comparison to better days or days that we regret.   I want you to give yourself the best gift of all. I want you to look UP.   I want you to see that God is f...

Going it Solo

March 08, 2022 18:22 - 14 minutes - 27.4 MB

Who wins when we choose to go it solo?  We are up against an enemy. God’s adversary. The father of lies who opposes our prince of peace.   Being in community is something God desires  and we GET to do it   Choosing to admit we need each other opens up space Space is freedom   We have choices in this process We get to choose to trust the One who made us this way We  get to allow others to bridge the gaps in our lives by being on both the giving and the receiving end of hon...

Say No to Polarizing Behavior

February 08, 2022 04:37 - 9 minutes - 18.5 MB

Don’t be a part of the broken system  BE the solution....  My social media is something I choose. I choose my friends. I choose when and what I choose to say. But never will you catch me making fun of a profession that puts food on the table for a family.  There are a lot of things out there that we can choose to share and participate in whether its social media or even in our belly to belly relationships that simply either hurt or it helps.

Breathing easier, financially

January 19, 2022 20:00 - 15 minutes - 28.7 MB

When we are without hope, we are without future.Does that sound like God’s plan for your life? The number one argument in marriage/relationship is about money. Does this resonate with you? The Bible talks about money in regards to the love of it and how we are to steward it. But what I think ends up being the demise of so many families is there is no plan or agreement about how it is to be spent. Money, how it's spent and not spent shouldn’t be ambiguous. It should be clear and there sho...

I am a BIG deal

January 13, 2022 23:58 - 10 minutes - 19.9 MB

The truth is, The stronger our understanding of our identity in Christ becomes, the more our self-worth grows”. We have times where we can be insecure, we can feel as though we aren’t good enough or we’re not able to take on big challenges. We feel like maybe we are just a wife or just a mom or just a dad or husband.  You may have asked yourself hard questions like, “God can I really do this? I mean, I know you called me to it, but am I good enough? Why bring me into this when there are ...

Less Discouraged and Defeated

January 03, 2022 20:53 - 16 minutes - 32.5 MB

We live in a fallen and broken world. There is no doubt that people disappoint us and we become discouraged. Perhaps we didn’t get a job we wanted or the promotion we thought we deserved. What about a failed relationship or even financial challenges that seem insurmountable.  When you have a challenge before you, there is purpose in front of you!

What's Love Got To Do With It?

December 03, 2021 03:54 - 17 minutes - 33.6 MB

I am pretty sure we aren’t here on this side of eternity to always be seeking and striving for something different than what we have been given, but rather to trust that if God made us, he doesn’t make junk and we should be happy, content and loving self because its who he made us to be! I do however believe that what happens on the insides of our bodies overflows to our ability to love ourselves and better yet love others and see ourselves as someone who God can use to leave our mark on t...

Don't put your health on the shelf

November 15, 2021 22:40 - 19 minutes - 38.5 MB

Our health deteriorates when these things happen. When we eat sugar, carbohydrates, and sugary alcohol and beverage - that feeds the yeast in our bodies and when yeast grows, it becomes a beast of brain fog, sugar cravings, mood swings, increased belly fat, indigestion, acid reflux, bloating, gas, IBS, thyroid dysfunction, constipation, diarrhea, headaches, insomnia, lack of concentration, anxiety, sadness, fatigue, allergies, acne, eczema, low sex drive and join pain.

You're On Mute

October 20, 2021 22:27 - 10 minutes - 19.8 MB

How do you do with recall of that year? So many of us have people we know who are no longer with us. How do you recall or even honor a time of life that hurt so many people.  Some people find their voice in tragedy and some people lose it. Sometimes we even lose our voice because we can’t articulate our truest thoughts. I will not lie and tell you there were times (not extended) but brief times where I felt speechless. Would what I would want to say be received well? Would it seem inconsid...

Aim Small, Miss BIG with your life purpose

October 06, 2021 16:08 - 17 minutes - 33.7 MB

This is the narrative I tell myself every day.  There is not a day that goes by where I don’t have doubt or fear creep in. They usually go hand in hand. Not a day that goes by where the enemy tries to ask me just like he asked Eve, “is this really what God said?” Is this really what God has called you to? Because THIS right here is hard. This is uncomfortable. Would God  really want YOU to be uncomfortable? Would he ask you to do something or some things that you dont desire to do?    ...

The Road to De-Maskus

September 28, 2021 15:29 - 13 minutes - 26 MB My question for you, is are you on the road to where God desires you to be? What will you do there? Do you know where you are going and is God in it?  Have you prayed and sought him for what he wants versus what you want   I know so many people who put limitations on their lives for what God can do based on what they want. It’s sad to see. It's sad to see people with limiting belief for what God can do.

Wanting What God Wants

September 24, 2021 01:20 - 19 minutes - 36.9 MB

I have done a lot of assumptions in my life. I assume that if I work hard and make a great living that I can live accordingly right? If I can build this home or buy a home in a certain area that I deserve to live there? Just because we can do certain things, doesn’t mean we should. We are learning that God blesses us so we can bless others and that those worldly things we think we want, need and deserve will fade but the legacy of what we leave behind matters more. Are you willing to give up...

Getting the results you want in life

July 15, 2021 22:48 - 17 minutes - 33.2 MB

Clearly, God responds. He wants our relationship with Him to be our consuming passion—what we think about, what we talk about, what we’re constantly hungry for more of and willing to do anything for—because He knows once we’ve experienced His manifest presence, our appetites will be whetted for more. And more. Those in the Scripture who didn’t let obstacles become excuses for not seeking Him, or back down at others’ disapproval of their unabashed appeals for mercy, or give in to the despair ...

Anxiety is not in your head

June 16, 2021 15:01 - 9 minutes - 18.9 MB

How does a mom get to a point where she leaves her kids husband and kids with no plan to come back?  Why did I feel like leaving the 4 people I loved the most was the only option and  why why why was a person who has tremendous faith and hope at the point of hopelessness? I thought that if I left, that would distance me from the sadness, from anxiety and from the hopelessness.  But the truth is, they were not the source of my stress and anxiety…

Less Bad Days

May 20, 2021 14:54 - 16 minutes - 30.9 MB

You know the ripple effect that would and could happen if more people were living the life they are designed to live?? there would be less lack of confidence, less lack of hope, less muddy waters for what this life is about. The more we see the world through the lens of expecting things to be “not bad” vs less bad, we can move on smartly with purpose, for purpose and on purpose.

Your Past Should not define You, it should refine you

May 04, 2021 17:41 - 13 minutes - 26.9 MB

We are very much a socially connected and driven society. We value and connect with other people. We see ourselves in others and others see themselves in us.  We trust that connection. We were made to have that connection. Think about why this matters so much to God. He is a God of relationship- he made us. He desires to be connected to us and when we are connected to Him and connected to others - those he also created - we become conduits, we become a catalyst. But catalyst is a choice. W...

Faith and Money

April 27, 2021 20:39 - 13 minutes - 26.2 MB

Somewhere along the lines, our mindset around money has become compromised. We tell ourselves a story that we can’t have both ministry and money or that if we have extra time, it should be devoted to ministry work.    I believe that wherever we go as Christ followers, its ministry because He lives in US and people who we come in contact with Get us.    If I didn’t have the revenue that I have, I would not be able to give what I give. Not only does what I do for a living provide for o...