102 | Blogger and podcaster Tamika Downes reveals how she went from $94K of debt to owning a six-figure income-earning side hustle while continuing her job as a school nurse and raising three children.

Timika’s early financial experiences came through immigrant parents, from Barbados, hustling and saving. Having a side hustle was common place in Timika’s family. Despite her family’s habit of saving, Timika finished her education with $94K of debt. After her undergraduate Timika had $24K in debt. Student loans for her master’s cost $35K A second, nursing degree, cost another $30K Choosing to pursue something that you’re not quite ready for can often lead someone to pay more than necessary. Nursing degrees don’t have to cost $30K; immediately after high school students can become qualified Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs) working in hospitals or nursing homes while starting at a community college and finishing through a bridge program at a 4-year school. Nursing is a trade; find the most efficient way to get qualified. Many universities offer tuition assistant to the children of faculty/staff, often including tuition at other universities. What options did Timika consider in order to decrease her student loan debt? Timika’s mindset changed when she started to own her life circumstances; taking responsibility for her finances was a natural result. Instead of buying a $20K car, Timika bought a $20K business – a lice clinic. Timika spoke with out-of-state clinic owners and did her homework before deciding to invest in the set up for her clinic. Since opening the business, Timika has increased her talentstack to include: Securing a business lease Blogging Website management Business finance management Timika went to coding bootcamp, for 75% discount as a female minority. The lice clinic is now almost passive income: Timika only devotes three hours a week and has hired employees who manage the rest.



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