051R | In this podcast we do a recap of episode 51 with Mrs Money Monster discussing the importance of getting past limiting beliefs as well as how to use the community to your benefit and take action in pursuing FI. In Today’s Podcast we cover: Recap of Monday’s episode with Mrs Money Monster. The importance of getting past those limiting beliefs Why we should learn to embrace the growth mindset, to always be willing to learn The value of having mentors Why FI is acknowledging that I am more than the sum of my stuff Having more control over your finances means making retirement optional Choose FI local groups are growing, making the Camp FI and FI Festival possible Voicemail from Lori about educational IRAs answered by Ed Mills from the Millionaire Educator Voicemail from Michelle about her journey to FI. All about taking action and keep working towards your goals. Matthew’s post from the Facebook Choose FI group: how one person changed his life by introducing him to FI Voicemail from Haidi about her preparing for retirement. By choosing to be half retired she will always continue learning. How to work out the wonderful problem of having so much choice when it comes to financial freedom. Voicemail from Lance after attending Alan’s Popup Business School and who wants to give back to the community. Teaser of Monday’s episode: Challenging our beliefs iTunes review and Book Giveaway Links from the show: The Choose FI T-shirts Our Facebook Group All our Choose FI groups About the FI Festival Ed Mills from The Millionaire Educator Radical Personal Finance Episode 106: A Comprehensive Guide to the Ultimate Education Account House Hacking with Coach Carson Bright Future Scholarship Episode 30 with Alan: Starting a business without going into debt Contribute to our show by sending us an email