044 | Today we discuss how Brandon Pearce went from a call center job to being a full time entrepreneur, traveling the world with his wife and children and how he started the Family Adventure Summit. In Today’s Podcast we cover: Episode 44 with Brandon Pearce, who was recommended to us by Andrew from the ChooseFI community

Discussion of geo arbitrage, starting your own business and designing your future all wrapped up in one person Brandon realizing that you have no control over your future as a regular employee and it started him thinking about getting moving with his own business His software for organizing piano lessons was what led to his business How he got his first sale and realized this could be a successful business How Brandon considered making this a full-time venture and that inflection point where he took the leap

Did Brandon contemplate not going full time with his software or was this a slam dunk decision? The value of hiring from inside your own community to find someone who is passionate and knowledgeable

How Brandon wouldn’t be happier or more fulfilled with more ‘stuff’ Was the plan for this to be a ‘lifestyle business’ originally? They replaced a focus on stuff with a focus on growth, travel and service Their six week “test trip” to Panama as a family Looking at life through your children’s eyes

How difficult it was to replicate this experience in the United States Travel as one of the biggest catalysts for growth How liberating it was to not have any of their stuff on the trip to Panama Their first long-term trip was to Costa Rica and they were there for 1.5 years where their daughter was born

How do you find a community when travelling abroad?

Their current location in San Miguel de Allende in Mexico and how close the community is there

Schooling types: Homeschooling, world schooling and un-schooling and an explanation They follow an interest-led learning approach with their children to inspire the love of learning What do you tell someone who is afraid to take the leap to family travel?

Slow travel has the ability to be transformative and immersive Questions about safety and health care in foreign countries A discussion of health care in the countries Brandon has lived in and how inexpensive it is

Brandon’s time tracking experiment The 1st annual Family Adventure Summit Documentary: Into the Wind about families travelling the world Hot Seat Questions