I have talked about this point of view in many conversations with Western media. I said that you messed up Iraq, messed up Afghanistan, messed up Syria, and messed up Libya. Now if you want to mess up our Xinjiang region, we will never allow it, and you are absolutely not capable of doing this.

In recent years, Western countries headed by the United States, and Western media have desperately discredited Xinjiang. They falsely claim Xinjiang region is suppressing ethnic minorities, persecuting Muslims, practicing compulsory birth control, practicing forced labor, and so on. It can be said that Xinjiang has been portrayed as a "hell on earth" and a "concentration camp" to the point where it violates the basic common sense of mankind. I think this has indeed exposed the Western countries’ extremely gloomy psychology and the deep confusion about what to do with the rise of China.

The United States deliberately planned the color revolutions to mess up other countries. Generally speaking, there are probably the following three types of countries, or regions are its main targets. I can summarize them as "big power", "geopolitics" and " resource".

China’s Xinjiang region actually integrates these three goals, so the wishful thinking of the United States is that if it messes up Xinjiang, it can achieve the above three goals at the same time, split and dismember China, and interrupt China’s all-round rise. Secondly, Xinjiang region has a geographical advantage and controls access to the core region of Central Asia. Thirdly, this false claim is aiming to plunder Xinjiang's rich natural resources.

The first is a big power, that is, a big country powerful enough to challenge the hegemony of the United States, such as China and Russia. Secondly, geopolitics, that is the key countries and regions in geopolitics. For example, Afghanistan, Ukraine, Syria and so on. There are also resource-rich countries and regions, such as Iraq, Libya, Myanmar and so on.