Adam from Houston! of NFHC Fame joins Isaac and CJ on this episode of Chimpin' Out! Adam teaches Isaac about the history of his people from "Within the Walls" and answers many of CJ's questions, College on the inside is just as bad as the outside, so don't go up to anyone who took courses on the inside and think you're better than them, they got the same female studies you got nigga. 

Except Adam being both "The Pulverizer" and "More educated on Feminist Theory than 99.9% of feminists" explains to Isaac and CJ some enlightening details that exist from the beginning that make the modern interpretation, far fetched. 

Also basically everything Adam says about affirmative action is correct, and it doesn't apply to females, who oppressed now!? But seriously, Defund Public Schooling, and Allow Felons to vote, or at least gain their voting rights back, because this nigga more educated than at least 99% of voters, and he can't vote? REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!

If you wanna support NFHC and Adam, please visit (Sorry Rem, I have to show politesse where I am shown politesse.)

On Twitter: You can follow Isaac, CJ, and editor and podcaster Rem and his show The Rich Dickman Show which just also had an episode featuring Adam as a guest. I highly recommend checking it out!

Shout out to MintSalad who is responsible for the art you see, and have seen else where. Riley who is da champ. Bird my avian acquaintance. And DrNic6 for being the first and only current Patreon!

For updates on the podcast follow CJ and Isaac, if you want to support us check out the Patreon at 

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