In this episode, we talk about shows that we've been binging, a community that advocates for the responsible use of cannabis*, an article from Illinois News Joint that was shared by a prohibitionist group**, supporting our local creators***, a giveaway that we're doing with Tommy Chong****, and finally: an option to support the Chillinois Podcast (if you feel so inclined)*****.

Links mentioned in show:

* Petioles — - Petioles is a positive community for those interested in responsible consumption of Cannabis. Discussions include everything from tolerance breaks, to personal feelings and cravings

** January Illinois cannabis sales total $117M — - Story by IllinoisNewsJoint - Tweet from Parents Opposed to Pot (Illinois):

*** Reach out to Cannabev to buy a hat —

**** Enter to win a Chillinois T-Shirt from Tommy Chong —

***** You can support the Chillinois Podcast at Your contribution helps us afford hosting fees to distribute our content and equipment to capture our content.

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