Hello everyone! 

Thanks for coming back and listening to another episode of 21st Century Hannah! I so appreciate your taking the time to listen. I especially want to thank those of you who are repeat listeners. I am truly humbled. 

I hope you are telling your friends about the show. Feel free to share the show to your social media followers! I would appreciate that!

Well, today's show is about shame! Yes, I am going there. As I say continually: If I am not transparent, then what's the point? I believe that especially on the subject of childless not by choice, transparency is key. Of course with the utmost class and professionalism.  

So, here are the show notes:

   :23 thank my sponsors 2:58 Welcome 4:38 Thank you Ebonie Henry, episode Childless BY Choice (6/27/2016) 4:57 Thank you Reshell Smith, two episodes on Finance for the childless not by choice woman (6/13/2016 and 8/23/2015). 5:50 Thank you Lesley Pine, Childless not by Choice from across the Pond. The discussion is taking place worldwide! (4/25/2016) 6:06 Thank you Emine Cay Masters, MD (Video interview which can be viewed directly on my website, www.childlessnotbychoice.net, 4/29/2016). 7:24 Beginning of show--Shame

Thank you so much for listening! Remember to drop me a line at [email protected], or leave me a voicemail on Speakpipe, via my website. I would love a review on iTunes. To be candid, I believe reviews help add credibility, whether it is for an author, a blogger, or indeed for a podcaster. 

Search iTunes for 21st Century Hannah, and leave me a review, or go to my website and just below each episode are several links. One of them is 'leave a review', the other takes you to iTunes. It's that easy.    

COMING SOON: I am working on content that will help women, and men, who are childless not by choice. The content will be consumed in an online classroom setting. I can't wait to roll out these classes! I will keep you posted!


My contact information:


Website: www.childlessnotbychoice.net and www.civillamorgan.com


Facebook: booksbycivillamorgan

Twitter: @civilla1

Instagram: @civilla1

Pinterest: Civilla M. Morgan, MSM

LinkedIn: Civilla Morgan, MSM

Blab: @civilla1


“Oh my God I trust in you. Let me not be ashamed, let not my enemies triumph over me. Let none that wait on you be ashamed...”--Psalm 25:2-3.


Until next time! Bye!