Hello everyone!

Thank you for visiting! Welcome to another episode of 21st Century Hannah! Thank you to my repeat listeners. And if you are a new listener, I hope you will come back again! 

Remember to tell your friends and family about the show, and feel free to share the show to your social media followers! I would appreciate that!

Here is the list of affirmations mentioned and discussed in today's episode. And remember you can find a beautiful printable version on the home page of www.childlessnotbychoice.net! 

Affirmations for the childless not by choice woman and man:

I am willing and worthy to live my best, most relevant and joyful life. I am mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually healed. I love me and the person I am becoming.    I am living the life God planned for me, and He knows best. I am thankful for the right people in my life. And I ask them to forgive me for the times I was not at my best.  I am thankful for the people who have left my life. And I forgive them for any wrong they did to me. Although childless not by choice, I have a role in life, and I do something toward that role every day. I have created strong boundaries in my personal and professional life. Doing so allows me to live a mentally healthy and productive life. Understanding my path and my role in life means I am no longer taken advantage of by friends and family who believe I have extra time and money because I am childless. My future is bright and beautiful! And I look forward to taking part 100%!

21st Century Hannah

Copyright 2016©

Remember, this is copyrighted material. Please do not make any material changes to the content. Thank you!


Until next time! Bye!


My contact information:

Website: www.childlessnotbychoice.net and www.civillamorgan.com

Facebook: booksbycivillamorgan

Twitter: @civilla1

Instagram: @civilla1

Pinterest: Civilla M. Morgan, MSM

LinkedIn: Civilla Morgan, MSM

