Block Access To The Court

When the Clerk blocks Your Access To The Court Then Use this Federal USC 2076 to Stop Your Case.  

Clerk of the Court are duty bound to record each and all the documents in their entirety. When the Clerk blocks you access to the court then use this Federal US Code 2076 to Stop your Child Support Case.  

You have right to have access to your court and challenge the unlawful child support program. 

18 USC § 2071 – CONCEALMENT, REMOVAL or MUTILATION of Records and Reports generally carries fines, imprisonment and a disqualification of office, which is meant for any government officer of the court usurping their sworn, legal duty to abide by federal law. See, Supremacy Clause Article VI, Clause 2.

18 USC § 2076 - Whoever, being a Clerk of a District Court of the United States, willfully refuses or neglects to make or forward any report, certificate, statement, or document as required by law, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.

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