A symposium panel featuring the following papers: "School Textbooks as Collective Memory and Social Design: Some Thoughts on Developing a World Consciousness" — Hanna Schissler (Georg Eckert Institute for International Textbook Research, Braunschweig, Germany); "Historical Reconciliation: A Tool for Conflict Resolution" — Elazar Barkan (Columbia University); Discussant: Dipesh Chakrabarty, University of Chicago. This one-day symposium was convened to compare the controversies surrounding historical texts that emerged during the last fifteen to twenty years with the onset of the post-Cold War era and the acceleration of globalization, multi-culturalism and the neo-liberal order. Sponsored by the Department of History, Center for East Asian Studies, Center for International Studies, South Asia Language and Area Center, Morris Fishbein Center for the Study of History and Medicine, and the Franke Institute for the Humanities.