LENGTH: 29:36 GUESTS:Lady Raptastic, VMs, and Misturd BarewhoreTeliz. SYNOPSIS More stories of miracles, church, Y u shouldnt wear white around rillz, and another very special inturdview with lady raptastic! Pickled food, y racism still be existin, nxt in line plz, … Continue reading →

LENGTH: 29:36

GUESTS:Lady Raptastic, VMs, and Misturd BarewhoreTeliz.


More stories of miracles, church, Y u shouldnt wear white around rillz, and another very special inturdview with lady raptastic! Pickled food, y racism still be existin, nxt in line plz, fetuses, etc. Plus a special unreleased tidbit at the ends honaye. Call the LYPS LINE @ 206-666-LYPS and I may just play it… and if you be real special, I’ll even comment. LYUPS LINE. Lapsey.


Lady Raptastic

Cheryl’s “myspace” Page