LENGTH: 39:30 GUESTS: Botteinheim, Andy Melton (melturd), Crazy Listenturd Ezzy CC, etc. SYNOPSIS RILLZ BACK! Melturd says Wanda’s got meth face; meth sores, dace hurtz.  Botteinheim. Rill has a wonderful chat with crazy listenturd Ezzy CC or whatever her name b. … Continue reading →

LENGTH: 39:30

GUESTS: Botteinheim, Andy Melton (melturd), Crazy Listenturd Ezzy CC, etc.


RILLZ BACK! Melturd says Wanda’s got meth face; meth sores, dace hurtz.  Botteinheim. Rill has a wonderful chat with crazy listenturd Ezzy CC or whatever her name b. Part II Cumin Soon HONAYE! Enjoy! LeaveMeSomeLYUPS: 206-666-LYPS

NOTE: I reposted the audio for this honaye b/c I fucked up the sound in one part. I AM SO SORRY. At least the RILLZ posted a progrum. Don’t hate. Just love. SO listen to this version please!


Andy Melton

Madge Weinstain

Cheryl’s “myspace” Page
