LENGTH: 31:58 GUESTS: Lady Raptastic! SYNOPSIS Cheryl does a very special inturdview with Lady Raptastic. myspace,beasttube (thnx kenny), lady’s fingerbang, tuna, iraq, bravest(blaquest) 1st, aborted word of the day, 9/11, ground 0 abortions, hidya royach, americunt idol, staple, kelly clarkson, … Continue reading →

LENGTH: 31:58

GUESTS: Lady Raptastic!


Cheryl does a very special inturdview with Lady Raptastic.

myspace,beasttube (thnx kenny), lady’s fingerbang, tuna, iraq, bravest(blaquest) 1st, aborted word of the day, 9/11, ground 0 abortions, hidya royach, americunt idol, staple, kelly clarkson, lady’s childhood clit piercing (bedazzled), lady renames lapse/frozen-grate incident “abu grate”, hot rape & moe.


Lady Raptastic’swebsite and myspace


Wanturd Jizzdumb

Madge Weinstein

Podcramp NYC

Cheryl’s “myspace” Page
