Clicks here to listurd to a higher quality stare-e-o SINGLE of Twinkleboi’s “Prolapse, Take It Easy” as heard on whorehole episode 45… complete WITH LYRICS (in the iturds), [GOOD FUCKING CHRIST, I am so annoyed. Feedburner and wordpress can eat … Continue reading →

Clicks here to listurd to a higher quality stare-e-o SINGLE of Twinkleboi’s “Prolapse, Take It Easy” as heard on whorehole episode 45… complete WITH LYRICS (in the iturds),

[GOOD FUCKING CHRIST, I am so annoyed. Feedburner and wordpress can eat my cunt. So… I was trying to be nice and posted my show along with a link to the fucking song that Twinkleboi made for me….. but instead of posting my show in the feed… it just made it so that only the SONG downloaded to the iturds and what not. O GET FUCKED. So i redid the post…hopefully now it works. CUMOWN.]

