:10 The Breakthrough is in everything you are hiding about yourself. :30 Our past when not dealt with will always slingshot forward in the worst of times. :47 You must go through it to get to it. 1:30 Without guiding principles we will always revert back to form. 2:15 How do you maintain change after a breakthrough? 2:30 Feelings are a choice. 3:10 Who is really rejecting you? 3:40 That which we resist persists. 4:14 Embrace every aspect of self, dark and light. 5:00 What's that one thing that punches you in the gut? 5:55 Draw upon challenges to facilitate your growth. 6:18 Breakthrough is when you see the lighthouse through the fog. 7:00 Write out all of your dramas and traumas. 7:35 We have and continue to be taught to avoid self. 8:20 Writing it out releases it. 9:00 We have a choice in how we interpret everything. 10:00 What do you do when challenges show up? 10:50 Three benefits of your greatest challenges. 12:00 Look for the contrast.