In this episode of Chats with Chip, Simon Erskine Locke of CommunicationsMatch joins for a discussion about agencies and RFPs.

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In this episode of Chats with Chip, Simon Erskine Locke of CommunicationsMatch joins for a discussion about agencies and RFPs.

Regular listeners know that Chip doesn’t disguise how much he despises the RFP process that many agencies subject themselves to. He has argued that agency leaders should simply hit the delete key whenever an RFP shows up in their inbox.

Simon takes a more nuanced view of RFPs and explains how they can be done better. He also suggests that if an agency does its due diligence before responding, they might be able to more strategically evaluate each opportunity instead of blindly hitting delete.
[read the transcript]

The post CWC 89: Should Chip stop blindly hating RFPs for agencies? appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.