How to handle succession in the family business

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The post CWC 61: Transitioning agency ownership to the next generation (featuring Jonathan and Erik Bernstein) appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.

Many agencies have multiple generations working in the business. Sometimes, it may be a passing thing — a summer internship perhaps — while in other cases, two generations work side-by-side for many years.

At some point, the elder generation may decide it is time to retire, or at least slow down. That’s exactly what Jonathan Bernstein of Bernstein Crisis Management did. He recently announced that his son, Erik, would be taking over leadership of the family business while he takes a step back from day-to-day management.

On this episode of Chats with Chip, both Bernsteins join Chip to talk about the decision to transfer agency leadership, as well as the steps that go in to making it a reality.

For any agency looking at succession issues — but especially those looking to do so within the same family — this episode is chock full of valuable insights.


Bernstein Crisis Management
Jonathan on LinkedIn
Erik on LinkedIn


Jonathan L. Bernstein, chairman and founder of Bernstein Crisis Management, Inc., has more than 35 years of experience meeting clients’ needs in all aspects of crisis management – crisis response, vulnerability assessment, planning, training and simulations. Prior to launching his firm in January 1994, Bernstein created and served as the first director of the Crisis Communications Group for Ruder Finn, Inc., one of the world’s largest public relations agencies.


Erik Bernstein is President of Bernstein Crisis Management, Inc. an international crisis and reputation management firm providing solutions for both companies and prominent individuals. As President and frequent team lead, Erik works to support clients in all aspects of creating, building, and maintaining their readiness for, and resilience against, threats to operations or reputation that might impact the bottom line. His expertise bridges from back-end crisis management, including planning, preparedness, and training, to outbound crisis communications and media relations, ensuring a cohesive, holistic approach to protecting clients’ interests.

[read the transcript]

The post CWC 61: Transitioning agency ownership to the next generation (featuring Jonathan and Erik Bernstein) appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.