The challenges and opportunities when integrating two businesses while also introducing a new name.

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The post CWC 40: Rebranding after an agency merger (featuring Trevor Francis) appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.

When Blue Engine Message & Media and JDA Frontline merged in 2018, the firms decided they would rebrand under a new name to better capture the essence of the sum as greater than the parts. In this episode, Trevor Francis discusses the opportunities and challenges that the merger has presented.

In particular, Trevor talks about how the team settled on Seven Letter as the new name for the business, how the integration process has been going, and the unique aspects of bringing together two agencies with differing partisan leanings.


Chip: “How many four letter words were there before you got to seven?”
Trevor: Rebrands are “a lot more complicated today than it was even a decade ago. You’re not only thinking about what your brand says about who you are and what you do, but you’re also thinking about the extensions of that brand on social handles and URLs. “
Trevor: “Every single person in our firm participated in this process.”
Trevor: “Business relationships are marriages, and I think as you enter into the kinds of agreements that Blue Engine and JDA did, you have to make sure that there is a common culture and a common purpose.”


Seven Letter
Trevor Francis on LinkedIn


Trevor Francis has more than two decades of experience working at the intersection of politics, government and public relations.

At Seven Letter, Trevor specializes in corporate reputation and issue management, and is responsible for a number of issue, advocacy and cause campaigns aimed at shaping public perception and influencing government decision-making. Previously, Trevor served as President of JDA Frontline, which merged with Blue Engine Message & Media in 2018 to form Seven Letter. (more)

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The post CWC 40: Rebranding after an agency merger (featuring Trevor Francis) appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.