In this episode of the Chats with Chip podcast, Rick Gould of Gould+Partners, an agency mergers and acquisitions advisory firm based in New York, provides useful insights for agency owners on the process of selling their agencies — including perspective on current trends in M&A.
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The post CWC 29: Practical M&A advice for agency owners with Rick Gould of Gould+Partners appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.

In this episode of the Chats with Chip podcast, Rick Gould of Gould+Partners, an agency mergers and acquisitions advisory firm based in New York, provides useful insights for agency owners on the process of selling their agencies — including perspective on current trends in M&A.

By listening, you will learn:

How agencies are valued and ballpark estimates of typical multiples
When sellers pay buyers and the current mix of earn-outs versus cash at closing
Why owners need to prepare years in advance of a successful sale
Why agencies should be run as if they are going to be sold (even if that isn’t the goal) to ensure maximum profitability
What explains the recent increase in M&A activity in the agency space
What the introduction of consulting firms and private equity to the field of buyers means for sellers
Why middle management can often be the key to better valuations
What agency owners an expect post-sale
How to reward key staff after a transaction
Why agency owners need to do reverse due diligence on buyers
What impact geography has on M&A

[read the transcript]

The post CWC 29: Practical M&A advice for agency owners with Rick Gould of Gould+Partners appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.