If you're a woman (or human, for that matter), chances are, you struggle with body image and self-worth. I battled the enemy for years...constantly fighting to stay in shape, dieting, working out, and seeking external validation just to feel "good enough".

My guest, Jess Hottle, has had very similar experiences and business trajectory as me -  she is a faith-based fitness coach, podcast host, speaker, and author. She doesn't like rules, restrictions, or religious duties! She lives her life putting God first; with authenticity, integrity, and freedom through Christ.

For too long, she let her body be her idol and men be her source or worth and value, and the success of her business determined her identity. But not anymore.

In this episode, we talk about all things body image, turning food fear into food freedom, trauma and shifting out of victim mentality, and how to change the narrative of our lives. Walk away from this episode feeling hopeful for your future and motivated to put action to your feet.

Connect with Jess on Instagram: @jessicahottle https://www.instagram.com/jessicahottle/ or checkout her website where you can find info on her podcast and books: https://www.jessicahottle.com/

Belong conference tickets: https://www.belongconferences.com/belongconference2020/

If you love this episode, screenshot that you're listening and share it on your Instagram – tag me @trainertanner and #chasingfreedom so that you can be a part of helping more women find freedom in their life! I love to see who's listening in and that way I can share you over on my page as well and help support you! 

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