What happens when two personal and academic journeys collide? Marlon Valencia discusses his early research and educational influences. He helps us understand how inspiring others to make changes in the community so we can move forward in today’s society is not only an intricate task but a hard-labouring one. Marlon’s experiences from high school, undergrad and graduate studies in relation to language learning are key to his work on imagination and possibilities to forge a future. We discuss current sociopolitical situations in Colombia, Venezuela and Canada and how there has been a progressive erosion of democracy in times of far-right tactics to isolate us from the other. We, finally, question our role as researchers and language educators and how our practices would look in today’s classrooms.

Cite this podcast (APA):
Ortega, Y. (Producer). (2019, March 19). Chasing Encounters - Episode – 7 – Imagination possibilities and realities [Audio podcast]. Retrieved from https://soundcloud.com/chasingencounters/chasing-encounters-episode-7-imagination-possibilities-and-realities


Valencia, M. (2013). Language Policy and the Manufacturing of Consent for Foreign Intervention in Colombia. Profile; Bogota, 15(1), 27–43.