Most of the time the Chasing Dreams podcast highlights guests who have interesting journeys toward the fulfillment of their dreams. But for the end of the year Aimee decided to do something a little bit different. She invited her sisters to come on the show to turn the tables. They are interviewing her to give you a bit of the backstory behind, Aimee, the Chief Dream Chaser who keeps the Chasing Dreams podcast and brand rolling. You’ll likely be very surprised at all the things Aimee is skilled at and doing. So sit back, grab a warm drink, and get to know Aimee on this episode of Chasing Dreams.

TWEET: I want to leave an impact on the world, so it’s better than when I came into it ~ Aimee J.

Do you have a “day job” while chasing your dreams?

You’re not alone. In fact, most people start out chasing their dreams on the side while a full time job continues to provide the bulk of their income as the dream builds. Aimee is no different, though her full time job is something she truly loves. She’s working on the Chasing Dreams podcast and brand behind the scenes in her “off” time from her full time job. But doing that enables her to maintain the stability she wants in life while still adding things to her life that are enjoyable and fun for her to do! You can hear how Aimee thinks about that tension between work and dreams, on this episode.

A full time employee, owner of a software company, and podcast host - all at the same time.

It’s not easy to juggle so many things. In fact, when Aimee was asked what it’s like to do so many things, her immediate answer was, “exhausting.” But she was quick to communicate that it’s also worth it, and she wouldn’t change a thing. It’s part of the cost you have to pay if you’re serious about chasing your dreams, and Aimee serves as a great example of someone willing to do it. If you’re serious about your dreams, stop for a moment and ask yourself what’s holding you back from going for them. Is it laziness? Is it a lack of discipline? What can you do to put yourself in a place to get moving on those things? Hear how Aimee thinks about those things on this episode of Chasing Dreams.

TWEET: Dreams aren’t only about your career. Whatever it is, go for it! ~ Aimee J.

You’ve got to put your dream out there and go for it!

Aimee’s pursued many dreams in her life, only to find that the process of actually “chasing” them is part of what defines them. She’s been to college, law school, and has learned software engineering, which she loves. She’s now adding her podcast and online business efforts to that mix. It’s all of those things combined that have enabled her to know what she’s about and what she want’s to chase. So don’t be shy. Don’t hold back because you’re uncertain exactly what it is you want to chase. The process will define that and you won’t know until you get into it.

Tools you can use to help you chase your dreams.

One of the difficult parts of chasing a dream while the rest of life is going on is staying organized. To help her create systems, keep track of things she has to do, and make the most of her time, Aimee has a handful of great software tools that she feels she couldn’t do without. Among them are Google Drive, Evernote, Lastpass, and others. You can hear how she uses some of these on this episode, and why she feels it’s vital to have reliable tools that can help you chase your dream.

TWEET: Inspiration, motivation, and resources to help you chase your dreams, on this episode

OUTLINE OF THIS EPISODE:[0:50] Introduction to this “special” episode for the Chasing Dreams show.[1:53] What Aimee did before she started the Chasing Dreams podcast.[4:12] Aimee’s dreams presently and how she connects her “day jobs” with her side projects, like podcasting.[8:27] At what point did the podcast come into the dreams?[11:30] Why it’s important to truly put your dream...

Most of the time the Chasing Dreams podcast highlights guests who have interesting journeys toward the fulfillment of their dreams. But for the end of the year Aimee decided to do something a little bit different. She invited her sisters to come on the show to turn the tables. They are interviewing her to give you a bit of the backstory behind, Aimee, the Chief Dream Chaser who keeps the Chasing Dreams podcast and brand rolling. You’ll likely be very surprised at all the things Aimee is skilled at and doing. So sit back, grab a warm drink, and get to know Aimee on this episode of Chasing Dreams.

TWEET: I want to leave an impact on the world, so it’s better than when I came into it ~ Aimee J.

Do you have a “day job” while chasing your dreams?

You’re not alone. In fact, most people start out chasing their dreams on the side while a full time job continues to provide the bulk of their income as the dream builds. Aimee is no different, though her full time job is something she truly loves. She’s working on the Chasing Dreams podcast and brand behind the scenes in her “off” time from her full time job. But doing that enables her to maintain the stability she wants in life while still adding things to her life that are enjoyable and fun for her to do! You can hear how Aimee thinks about that tension between work and dreams, on this episode.

A full time employee, owner of a software company, and podcast host - all at the same time.

It’s not easy to juggle so many things. In fact, when Aimee was asked what it’s like to do so many things, her immediate answer was, “exhausting.” But she was quick to communicate that it’s also worth it, and she wouldn’t change a thing. It’s part of the cost you have to pay if you’re serious about chasing your dreams, and Aimee serves as a great example of someone willing to do it. If you’re serious about your dreams, stop for a moment and ask yourself what’s holding you back from going for them. Is it laziness? Is it a lack of discipline? What can you do to put yourself in a place to get moving on those things? Hear how Aimee thinks about those things on this episode of Chasing Dreams.

TWEET: Dreams aren’t only about your career. Whatever it is, go for it! ~ Aimee J.

You’ve got to put your dream out there and go for it!

Aimee’s pursued many dreams in her life, only to find that the process of actually “chasing” them is part of what defines them. She’s been to college, law school, and has learned software engineering, which she loves. She’s now adding her podcast and online business efforts to that mix. It’s all of those things combined that have enabled her to know what she’s about and what she want’s to chase. So don’t be shy. Don’t hold back because you’re uncertain exactly what it is you want to chase. The process will define that and you won’t know until you get into it.

Tools you can use to help you chase your dreams.

One of the difficult parts of chasing a dream while the rest of life is going on is staying organized. To help her create systems, keep track of things she has to do, and make the most of her time, Aimee has a handful of great software tools that she feels she couldn’t do without. Among them are Google Drive, Evernote, Lastpass, and others. You can hear how she uses some of these on this episode, and why she feels it’s vital to have reliable tools that can help you chase your dream.

TWEET: Inspiration, motivation, and resources to help you chase your dreams, on this episode

OUTLINE OF THIS EPISODE:[0:50] Introduction to this “special” episode for the Chasing Dreams show.[1:53] What Aimee did before she started the Chasing Dreams podcast.[4:12] Aimee’s dreams presently and how she connects her “day jobs” with her side projects, like podcasting.[8:27] At what point did the podcast come into the dreams?[11:30] Why it’s important to truly put your dream out there and go for it.[13:27] Why podcasting instead of video, snapchat, etc.?[16:15] Any regrets surrounding your inability to give full time attention to your Chasing Dreams stuff? How do you handle the pressure of doing everything?[20:17] The behind the scenes work of the podcast.[23:22] What is your feeling about where the podcast is at and where it’s going?[25:56] How Aimee advises those who want to begin chasing their dreams.[29:37] A different version of the “rapid fire” game.[31:19] One resource you should use to chase your dreams: Google Drive.

Take a look at your choices, see what you love, and find ways to pursue that.


Google Drive -

Forms, Sheets, Docs, Slides, Google has all of them. While it is not as robust as using the Office version, it does give you the ability to access your documents from anywhere.

Evernote -

Keep all your notes for different projects (personal, work, hobbies, dreams, etc.) together in one place. You can also collaborate with others on projects.

Boomerang for Gmail -

Boomerang does more than just bring an email back to the top of your inbox. It also allows you to send emails at a later time.

Canned Responses for Gmail -

If you’re sending the same email over and over, save time by using Canned Responses via Gmail Labs

Dropbox -

Access and share your files from anywhere.

LastPass - (referral link)

Password management service that lets you to access your passwords from any mobile device or browser.

Pretty link Pro - (affiliate)

Wordpress Plugin that allows you to share links while maintaining your brand.

Hootsuite -

One of the best resources for managing multiple social media accounts in one place.

Connect with Aimee



Instagram: - Aimee’s show notes service

Living the Dream podcast


TWEET: Tools you can use to chase your dreams to a greater degree, on this episode of the podcast

TWEET: 2016 is coming up! What are the dreams you’re going to be chasing? On this episode

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