What should you do if you feel like you have so many dreams that you don’t know which to pursue first? Do you give up on some of them? Do you try to do all of them at once? Today’s guest might give you some things to think about when it comes to those difficult questions. Tina C. Williams is an entrepreneur, author, attorney, and educator.  Her “day job” is running her company, TCecure LLC, which provides security, intelligence, and critical infrastructure protection services to clients. She is also a recently published author of a book of poetry titled L.I.F.E. (Living is for Eternity). As you can see, she’s pretty busy and has tons of dreams herself. Her perspective on dream chasing is one you’ll want to hear, on this episode.
TWEET: Making different dreams happen while you can, on this episode of #ChasingDreams
How did Tina’s book of poetry come about? Tina’s been writing her poetry for years and just now it’s all come together in a self-published tome that she says is a dream come true. L.I.F.E. is a passion project that she’s worked on for a very long time. In this conversation she shares her process with Aimee, how she decided to self-publish, and why she went that way when there were other options available. If one of your dreams is to publish a book, you can go about it in a number of ways, and Tina’s path can give you plenty of inspiration and ideas to pursue your dream of authorship.
Carrying the weight of a number of areas of expertise. Looking at Tina’s resume and qualifications, you’d think that she is a person who doesn’t really know what she wants to do with her life. She’s a certified computer technician in a number of areas of specialty, a lawyer, an author, and an entrepreneurial business owner. Why did she pursue all of those areas? It’s partly because she’s a multi-faceted, multi-talented person. But she also chases her dreams, no matter what. She doesn’t allow herself to be limited by the things that many people would - too much to keep track of, not enough time… you know, the normal excuses. Hear how Tina has chased all of these dreams on this episode.
TWEET: Running a business that others can depend on, on this episode of #ChasingDreams
It’s scary to run your own business. Especially when employees are depending on you. Tina’s quick to point out that anyone wanting to start a business to support themselves is probably capable of doing it, but to take it the next level and begin hiring people is another thing altogether. She regularly feels the weight of the people within her business who depend on her and on her business to support them and their families. But she doesn’t shrink back from that responsibility. She loves that she can support others and make it possible for them to thrive, and she’s diligent to ensure that her business is organized and run in a way that enables it to be solid for their sake. Hear more of Tina’s insights into business and how she goes about running her company day to day, on this episode of Chasing Dreams.
Her faith has guided her every step of the way. One thing you’ll know about Tina in a very short matter of time is that she’s unafraid to speak about her faith, one of the most important things in her life. She says that her Christian faith has enabled her to keep her bearings when thousands of things were coming at her and has supplied the grace she’s needed to carry the very heavy burdens that have been entrusted to her. She’s thankful for the wisdom and strength her faith provides every day. When you’re chasing your dreams, it’s important to have something bigger than you to hold onto, and Tina’s story is an example of why that is. You can hear more of Tina’s faith journey into authorship and the business world on this episode of Chasing Dreams.
TWEET:  What do you do when you seem to have too many dreams? Find out on this episode
OUTLINE OF THIS EPISODE: [0:49] Aimee’s introduction to this episode and her guest.
[2:07] Tina’s new book of poetry.

What should you do if you feel like you have so many dreams that you don’t know which to pursue first? Do you give up on some of them? Do you try to do all of them at once? Today’s guest might give you some things to think about when it comes to those difficult questions. Tina C. Williams is an entrepreneur, author, attorney, and educator.  Her “day job” is running her company, TCecure LLC, which provides security, intelligence, and critical infrastructure protection services to clients. She is also a recently published author of a book of poetry titled L.I.F.E. (Living is for Eternity). As you can see, she’s pretty busy and has tons of dreams herself. Her perspective on dream chasing is one you’ll want to hear, on this episode.

TWEET: Making different dreams happen while you can, on this episode of #ChasingDreams

How did Tina’s book of poetry come about?

Tina’s been writing her poetry for years and just now it’s all come together in a self-published tome that she says is a dream come true. L.I.F.E. is a passion project that she’s worked on for a very long time. In this conversation she shares her process with Aimee, how she decided to self-publish, and why she went that way when there were other options available. If one of your dreams is to publish a book, you can go about it in a number of ways, and Tina’s path can give you plenty of inspiration and ideas to pursue your dream of authorship.

Carrying the weight of a number of areas of expertise.

Looking at Tina’s resume and qualifications, you’d think that she is a person who doesn’t really know what she wants to do with her life. She’s a certified computer technician in a number of areas of specialty, a lawyer, an author, and an entrepreneurial business owner. Why did she pursue all of those areas? It’s partly because she’s a multi-faceted, multi-talented person. But she also chases her dreams, no matter what. She doesn’t allow herself to be limited by the things that many people would - too much to keep track of, not enough time… you know, the normal excuses. Hear how Tina has chased all of these dreams on this episode.

TWEET: Running a business that others can depend on, on this episode of #ChasingDreams

It’s scary to run your own business.

Especially when employees are depending on you. Tina’s quick to point out that anyone wanting to start a business to support themselves is probably capable of doing it, but to take it the next level and begin hiring people is another thing altogether. She regularly feels the weight of the people within her business who depend on her and on her business to support them and their families. But she doesn’t shrink back from that responsibility. She loves that she can support others and make it possible for them to thrive, and she’s diligent to ensure that her business is organized and run in a way that enables it to be solid for their sake. Hear more of Tina’s insights into business and how she goes about running her company day to day, on this episode of Chasing Dreams.

Her faith has guided her every step of the way.

One thing you’ll know about Tina in a very short matter of time is that she’s unafraid to speak about her faith, one of the most important things in her life. She says that her Christian faith has enabled her to keep her bearings when thousands of things were coming at her and has supplied the grace she’s needed to carry the very heavy burdens that have been entrusted to her. She’s thankful for the wisdom and strength her faith provides every day. When you’re chasing your dreams, it’s important to have something bigger than you to hold onto, and Tina’s story is an example of why that is. You can hear more of Tina’s faith journey into authorship and the business world on this episode of Chasing Dreams.

TWEET:  What do you do when you seem to have too many dreams? Find out on this episode

OUTLINE OF THIS EPISODE: [0:49] Aimee’s introduction to this episode and her guest. [2:07] Tina’s new book of poetry. [9:45] Could a volume 2 be in the works? [10:21] Are there more books in you, Tina? [12:00] Tina’s biggest dream: computer entrepreneurialism [16:04] How Tina decided to go to law school. [19:22] The nervous feeling of starting her own company. [23:49] What Tina says about people wanting to build a company. [27:57] Tina’s recommendation. [29:11] Aimee’s summary of this episode. TINA’S RECOMMENDATION:

Despise not the day of small beginnings.

AIMEE’S RAPID FIRE GAME! - Category: Careers

Aimee and her guest alternate saying things that fit in the chosen category. They must continue doing so, in rapid fashion, without repeating one, hesitating too long, or giving a wrong answer, until one of them can’t come up with another name. Who’s the winner?


Tina’s company: www.tcecure.com

Tina’s book:

On Amazon: L.IF.E.

On Apple: L.I.F.E.

On Barnes and Noble: L.I.F.E.

On Smashwords: L.I.F.E.


TWEET: Self publishing through Smashwords, a poet’s journey, on this episode of #ChasingDreams

TWEET: Author, lawyer, computer technician, and business owner. Tina Williams on this episode