I'm joined by Emily Frase to dive into why NFP is not just Catholic birth control and really how you can't even compare the two. 

Follow Emily Frase at totalwhine.com or on Instagram @totalwhine_
Follow Emily and Mary Bruno's new org FAbM BASE on Instagram @fabmbase

Humanae Vitae: http://www.vatican.va/content/paul-vi/en/encyclicals/documents/hf_p-vi_enc_25071968_humanae-vitae.html

Questions, comments, other opinions? [email protected] or Instagram @chartingtowardintimacy

Looking for support around sexuality, NFP, sexual ethics, or something similar?

NFP/FA Mindset coaching and NFP Method Match coaching might be for you! Wondering what that is? Check out episode 62 or book a free 10 minute discovery call.
If you are interested in booking a coaching session with Ellen, click here for NFP/FA mindset coaching and click here for method match coaching.

Reach out at instagram.com/chartingtowardintimacy/
or email us at [email protected]