Meet our first “Charlotte Mason Mama Around the Globe,” Angelique Knaup!

Angelique is a globe-trotting wife and mother of three, currently living in her homeland of Zimbabwe. Her two older children have already graduated from their Charlotte Mason homeschool. She is homeschooling her youngest in high school. Join Mariana as we get a peek into God’s call upon Anglelique’s colorful, rich life of “spreading the feast” with her community in Zimbabwe.

FIND ANGELIQUE on Instagram @angeli.knaup 

Resources mentioned:

Charlotte Mason Companion by Karen Andreola

For the Children’s Sake by Susan Schaeffer MaCaulay

Ambleside Online Helping Hand

Mind’s More Awake by Anne White

Brandy Vencel’s Start Here: A Journey Through Charlotte Mason’s 20 Principles


Principle 4: These principles are limited by the respect due to the personality of children, which must not be encroached upon whether by the direct use of fear or love, suggestion or influence, or by undue play upon any one natural desire. 

Principle 12: "Education is the Science of Relations"; that is, that a child has natural relations with a vast number of things and thoughts: so we train him upon physical exercises, nature lore, handicrafts, science and art, and upon many living books, for we know that our business is not to teach him all about anything, but to help him to make valid as many as may be of— "Those first-born affinities "That fit our new existence to existing things." 

In Vol. 6 p. 129, Charlotte wrote that, “the one achievement possible and necessary for every man is character; and character is as finely wrought metal beaten into shape and beauty by the repeated and accustomed action of will. We who teach should make it clear to ourselves that our aim in education is less conduct than character; conduct may be arrived at, as we have seen, by indirect routes, but it is of value to the world only as it has its source in character.”

When writing about the will, Charlotte frequently refers to Joshua 24:15 '... choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.’ She applies it to the thoughts that we allow in, thoughts that will either serve ourselves, the gods of this earth or the Lord!

“There are two services open to us all, the service of God, (including that of man) and the service of self. If our aim is just to get on, 'to do ourselves well,' to get all possible ease, luxury and pleasure out of our lives, we are serving self and for the service of self no act of will is required. Our appetites and desires are always at hand to spur us into the necessary exertions. But if we serve God and our neighbour, we have to be always on the watch to choose between the ideas that present themselves.” Vol. 6 p. 135

”We owe it to (the children) to initiate an immense number of interests. Thou hast set my feet in a large room; should be the glad cry of every intelligent soul. Life should be all living, and not merely a tedious passing of time; not all doing or all feeling or all thinking––the strain would be too great–– but, all living; that is to say, we should be in touch wherever we go, whatever we hear, whatever we see, with some manner of vital interest.” Vol. 3 p. 170


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