Ransomware just struck your client. Our suggestion? Do NOT place your first call to Ghostbusters. To find out who you should call, listen to this week’s episode, in which Matt, Rich, and guest host Ben Pearce, of ACP Technologies, discuss the news from the 2022 Robin Robins IT Sales and Marketing Boot Camp event, the new incident response service from ConnectWise, and the secrets to generating big financial results with small managed services teams.

Then they’re joined by Dave MacKinnon, vice president and CISO of N-able, for an important conversation about a recent N-able research study that turned up some distressing numbers about how often MSPs suffer successful cyberattacks, and how rarely they take basic precautions like implementing MFA. It might just have you calling 9-1-1.

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Hitting Home Runs on Business Process Improvements - https://www.channelpronetwork.com/article/hitting-home-runs-business-process-improvements

Kaseya CEO Takes the Stage at Robin Robins’ Annual Boot Camp - https://www.channelpronetwork.com/news/kaseya-ceo-takes-stage-robin-robins-annual-boot-camp

ConnectWise Introduces Incident Response Service - https://www.channelpronetwork.com/news/connectwise-introduces-incident-response-service

Small Teams, Big Results - https://www.channelpronetwork.com/article/small-teams-big-results

More MSPs in Cybercriminals’ Crosshairs - https://www.channelpronetwork.com/article/more-msps-cybercriminals-crosshairs

Rich's ICYMI plug and quickie preview of the week ahead - https://www.channelpronetwork.com/tags/icymi