Riddle me this, channel pros. What do you get when you combine a Kaseya with a Datto? Still don’t have it? Join the pack that includes Matt, Rich, and returning guest host Josh Weiss, of LA Creative Technologies. They have some details to share via Rich’s exclusive conversation with Kaseya CEO Fred Voccola, however, not to mention additional thoughts on Thoma Bravo selling Barracuda Networks to KKR and Cisco offering a new partner specialization in environmental sustainability.

Not satisfied? There’s also an insightful and extremely timely conversation about the big changes coming to Microsoft’s partner program, live from the SMB TechFest conference, with the host of that show, MSP Dave Seibert. Maybe not a $6.2 billion episode, but close!

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Topics and Related Links Mentioned:

Kaseya Acquiring Datto for $6.2 Billion - https://www.channelpronetwork.com/news/kaseya-acquiring-datto-62-billion

ChannelPro Exclusive: Kaseya Addresses Datto Acquisition - https://www.channelpronetwork.com/news/channelpro-exclusive-kaseya-addresses-datto-acquisition

Thoma Bravo Sells Barracuda to KKR - https://www.channelpronetwork.com/news/thoma-bravo-sells-barracuda-kkr

Cisco Introduces Environmental Sustainability Specialization - https://www.channelpronetwork.com/news/cisco-introduces-environmental-sustainability-specialization

CyberDrain Improved Partner Portal - https://cipp.app/

ImmyBot - https://immy.bot/

Rich's ICYMI plug and quickie preview of the week ahead - https://www.channelpronetwork.com/tags/icymi