Buyer and worker behavior changed dramatically during the pandemic. Lynn Smurthwaite-Murphy, CEO of Plugable Technologies, discusses the impacts of the remote worker, digital buyer world on the channel and how to achieve success. The answer is surprisingly simple.  KEY TAKEAWAYS Here are 5 things I learned from Lynn about the shift to a remote digital […]

The post Lynn Smurthwaite-Murphy: Channel Success in a Remote Digital World first appeared on Channel Journeys.

Buyer and worker behavior changed dramatically during the pandemic. Lynn Smurthwaite-Murphy, CEO of Plugable Technologies, discusses the impacts of the remote worker, digital buyer world on the channel and how to achieve success. The answer is surprisingly simple. 


Here are 5 things I learned from Lynn about the shift to a remote digital world:

Tech buyers are getting more and more comfortable make large purchases digitally, with deal sizes surpassing $500K.
B2B is still lagging B2C in digital transformation, but digital is eating away at the long tail of the channel where transactional partners are slow to transform their business model. Digital native marketplaces are going after the longtail products, both hardware and software with low average selling prices.
Look at adopting a hybrid remote approach where a small percentage of employees go in every day, another small percentage go in periodically as they need, and the largest percentage are fully remote
The most important thing you can do to succeed is map your entire buyer’s journey, and do it frequently to ensure you have the right partners and do not have any breaking points in the journey.
You can do continuous research on the buyer journey simply by asking, every time you get ahold of the customer, “would you mind doing a 15 minute interview with us? We’d love to know how you found us.”


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The post Lynn Smurthwaite-Murphy: Channel Success in a Remote Digital World first appeared on Channel Journeys.