With 98% of higher education institutions looking the same and offering similar programs, the challenge for any single institution to stand out is immense.

This episode of Changing Higher Ed, features Allen Adamson, co-founder of MetaForce, discussing the importance of branding and marketing in differentiating higher education institutions in an oversaturated homogeneous market. Adamson shares his insights from his vast experience in branding across various industries, emphasizing the need for higher education institutions to stand out to attract enrollment.


Key Discussion Points


The Branding Challenge in Higher Education:

Higher education faces an oversupply of institutions and an undersupply of students, creating a critical need for effective branding and marketing strategies to attract and retain students.


Why Higher Ed Institutions Should Look Outside the Industry for Branding and Marketing:

Higher education institutions can benefit from adopting innovative marketing strategies proven successful in other sectors, enhancing their distinctiveness and appeal.


Creating Unique Institution Identities:

Crafting unique identities that resonate with potential students is essential. Institutions should leverage their unique heritage, location, or academic strengths to form a compelling brand identity.


Strategies for Differentiation and Growth:

Differentiation in a crowded market requires institutions to offer unique educational experiences and communicate these differences through strategic marketing effectively.


Peripheral Vision in Branding:

Institutions should extend their view beyond direct competitors and the education sector to identify unique positioning strategies and innovations from the broader market.


The Role of Consensus in Decision Making:

The challenges of consensus-driven decision-making within universities often lead to diluted branding strategies. More decisive leadership could enable stronger and clearer branding initiatives.


Importance of Simplifying the Brand Message:

A clear and simple brand message is crucial for effective communication. Institutions should focus on conveying a few key strengths or unique attributes to avoid overwhelming potential students.


Differentiation Through Student Outcomes:

Emphasizing unique student outcomes and success stories can differentiate an institution more effectively than focusing solely on features and facilities.


Signature Experiences and Social Proof:

Developing signature experiences that define an institution’s brand and leveraging positive student testimonials can significantly enhance reputation and attractiveness.


Actionable Insights Over Descriptive Content:

Shifting focus from describing institutional offerings to highlighting actionable outcomes and real-world applications can make branding more effective and relatable.


Three Takeaways for University Presidents and Boards


Simplify and strategize: Prioritize simplicity in ideas for enhanced execution. Being ahead of the curve involves selecting straightforward concepts that can be brilliantly executed.

Expand horizons: Break free from the confines of the usual environment. Look beyond the immediate surroundings and industry standards. Being ahead of the curve means seeking inspiration from diverse sectors and preparing for future market trends.

Pursue excellence: Choose ideas that can be executed exceptionally rather than settling for mediocrity. Being ahead of the curve allows for iterative improvements, ensuring that when the timing is right, the execution is flawless, setting you apart from competitors.


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About Our Podcast Guest

Allen Adamson is a noted industry expert in all disciplines of branding. He has worked with a broad spectrum of consumer and corporate businesses in industries ranging from packaged goods and technology to health care and financial services, to hospitality and entertainment. 

Allen's newest book is Seeing the How: Achieving Market Advantage by Transforming the Stuff We Do, Not the Stuff We Buy. His previous books, BrandSimple, BrandDigital, The Edge, and Shift Ahead, are used as textbooks in higher education business programs across the country.

A sought-after industry commentator, Allen has appeared on ABC News, NBC's Today Show, CNBC's Squawk Box and Closing Bell, and Fox Business Network. He is often quoted in publications including The New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, Advertising Age, the Washington Post, and Forbes. 

Allen is co-founder & Managing Partner of Metaforce, an elite marketing collective of the industry's top talent.

Allen’s LinkedIn Profile


About the Host

Dr. Drumm McNaughton, host of Changing Higher Ed®, is a consultant to higher education institutions in governance, accreditation, strategy and change, and mergers. To learn more about his services and other thought leadership pieces, visit his firm’s website: https://changinghighered.com/.


The Change Leader’s Social Media Links

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/drdrumm/ Twitter: @thechangeldr Email: [email protected]


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